Class Renderer

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    RayCastRenderer, ShearWarpRenderer

    public abstract class Renderer
    extends java.lang.Object
    A ray tracer for 3D images. Either a parallel or perspective camera model can be selected to form the rays. In the parallel case, zooming is accomplished by changing the size of the viewport. In the perspective case, zooming is accomplished by moving the eye point. The line segment of intersection (if it exists) of a ray with the bounding box of the image is computed. The image is trilinearly interpolated to allow subvoxel evaluations.

    The camera coordinate system has eye point is E = (0,0,z). The direction vector is D = (0,0,1), the up vector is U = (0,1,0), and the right vector is R = (1,0,0). Only the eye point is allowed to change. Since the 3D image can be arbitrarily rotated (via a virtual trackball), any portion of the image can be viewed either close up or far away.

    The view plane has normal D and origin at E+n*D (n=near). The view frustum is orthogonal and has no far plane. For a perspective camera, the field of view is given as an angle A subtended at the eye point. In camera coordinates, the view port is the square [-e,e]^2 where e = n*tan(A/2). In world coordinates, the corners of the square are E+n*D+s*e*U+t*e*R where |s| = |t| = 1 (four choices on sign). For a parallel camera, there is no field of view.

    The mapping between the viewport [-e,e]^2 and the B-by-B render image is the following. If (i,j) is a pixel in the image, then the corresponding viewport point is (r,u) = (-e+2*e*i/(B-1),-e+2*e*j/(B-1)).

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Renderer​(ModelImage kImage, int iRBound, int[] aiRImage)
      The constructor for the renderer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected float computeIntegralNormalizationFactor​(byte[] acImage)
      In order to map line integrals of image intensity to RGB colors where each color channel is 8 bits, it is necessary to make sure that the integrals are in [0,255].
      protected void convertWorldToModel​(javax.vecmath.Tuple3f kWorld, javax.vecmath.Tuple3f kModel)
      Convert coordinates from world space to model space.
      void disposeLocal()
      Disposes of image memory and associated objects.
      protected void finalize()
      Calls dispose.
      float getAngle()
      Read the field of view angle.
      abstract javax.vecmath.Vector3f getAxis​(int i)
      java.awt.Color getBackgroundColor()
      Read the background color used for rendering images.
      float getExtreme()
      Read the view port extreme value e.
      float getEyeDist()
      Read the z value of the eye point (0,0,z).
      javax.vecmath.Point3f getEyePoint()
      Return the world space coordinates for the eye point.
      float getGamma()
      Get the gamma correction.
      int getMaxBound()
      The maximum of the x-, y-, and z-dimensions of the image.
      int getMinBound()
      The minimum of the x-, y-, and z-dimensions of the image.
      float getNear()
      Read the distance from the eye point to the view plane.
      boolean getParallel()
      Read the current camera model.
      int getXBound()
      The x-dimension of the image.
      float getXTranslate()
      Get the x translation.
      int getYBound()
      The y-dimension of the image.
      float getYTranslate()
      Get the y translation.
      int getZBound()
      The z-dimension of the image.
      float getZoom()
      Get the zoom factor.
      abstract boolean hasInputData()
      Return indication as to whether or not the input image data has been specified yet.
      boolean hasNormals()
      Return indication as to whether or not the normal vectors for each voxel in the volume has been specified.
      protected static void orthonormalize​(javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akVector)
      The axis vectors for the oriented bounding box are rotated in place.
      boolean reloadInputData()
      Accessor that returns whether or not to reload the volume data.
      void reloadInputData​(boolean bReload)
      set the m_bReloadInput member variable. this is used to force the renderer to use new volume data.
      abstract void rotateBy​(javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f kAxisAngle)
      abstract void rotateFrameBy​( transform)
      void setAngle​(float fAngle)
      Change the field of view angle.
      void setBackgroundColor​(java.awt.Color color)
      Set the background color for the rendered image.
      void setExtreme​(float fExtreme)
      Change the view port extreme value e.
      void setEyeDist​(float fDist)
      Change the z value of the eye point (0,0,z).
      void setGamma​(float fGamma)
      Set the gamma correction.
      void setLighting​(SoftwareLightSet kLightSet, SoftwareMaterial kMaterial)
      Setup the specified set of lights to use for rendering.
      void setMaterialShininess​(float value)
      Set the texture material shininess value.
      void setNear​(float fNear)
      Change the distance from the eye point to the view plane.
      void setNearAndAngle​(float fNear, float fAngle)
      Change the near distance and the field of view angle.
      void setNormals​(javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal)
      Specify the array of normal vectors for each voxel in the volume.
      void setParallel​(boolean bParallel)
      Change the camera model.
      abstract void setXBoundNeg​(float value)
      Setup the X Negative clipping plane position.
      abstract void setXBoundPos​(float value)
      Setup the X positive clipping plane position.
      void setXTranslate​(float fXTrn)
      Set the x translation.
      abstract void setYBoundNeg​(float value)
      Setup the Y Negative clipping plane position.
      abstract void setYBoundPos​(float value)
      Setup the Y positive clipping plane position.
      void setYTranslate​(float fYTrn)
      Set the y translation.
      abstract void setZBoundNeg​(float value)
      Setup the Z negative clipping plane position.
      abstract void setZBoundPos​(float value)
      Setup the Z positive clipping plane position.
      void setZoom​(float fZoom)
      Set the zoom factor.
      protected void traceInit()
      Called at the beginning of the trace methods.
      abstract boolean usesNormals()
      Return indication as to whether or not the particular renderer uses normal vectors as part of its implementation.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • m_aiRImage

        protected int[] m_aiRImage
        Final rendered image (24-bit RGB stored in int). 2D: m_iRBound-by-m_iRBound image
      • m_akAxis

        protected javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akAxis
        For track ball rotation.
      • m_akNormal

        protected javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] m_akNormal
        unit-length normal vectors at the voxels.
      • m_bParallel

        protected boolean m_bParallel
        Left-handed camera coordinate system that is initially set up to view the z=0 slice of the 3D image. E = (0,0,eye), initially eye < 0 D = (0,0,1) = direction U = (0,1,0) = up R = (1,0,0) = right. The camera can be parallel or perspective. The view plane has normal D and origin at E+n*D (n=near). The view frustum is orthogonal and has no far plane. The field of view is given as an angle A subtended at the eye point. The view port is the square [-e,e]^2 where e = n*tan(A/2).
      • m_fGamma

        protected float m_fGamma
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fFMult

        protected float m_fFMult
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fNear

        protected float m_fNear
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fAngle

        protected float m_fAngle
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fExtreme

        protected float m_fExtreme
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fRScaleX

        protected float m_fRScaleX
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fRScaleY

        protected float m_fRScaleY
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_fZoom

        protected float m_fZoom
        For zooming and panning.
      • m_fXTrn

        protected float m_fXTrn
        For zooming and panning.
      • m_fYTrn

        protected float m_fYTrn
        For zooming and panning.
      • m_iMinBound

        protected int m_iMinBound
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iMaxBound

        protected int m_iMaxBound
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iRBound

        protected int m_iRBound
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iXBound

        protected int m_iXBound
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iYBound

        protected int m_iYBound
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iZBound

        protected int m_iZBound
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iXBoundM1

        protected int m_iXBoundM1
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iYBoundM1

        protected int m_iYBoundM1
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iZBoundM1

        protected int m_iZBoundM1
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iXBoundM2

        protected int m_iXBoundM2
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iYBoundM2

        protected int m_iYBoundM2
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iZBoundM2

        protected int m_iZBoundM2
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iXYProduct

        protected int m_iXYProduct
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_iXYZProduct

        protected int m_iXYZProduct
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kBackgroundColor

        protected java.awt.Color m_kBackgroundColor
        Background color of rendered image.
      • m_kEyeModel

        protected javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kEyeModel
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kEyeWorld

        protected javax.vecmath.Point3f m_kEyeWorld
        eye point in world and model space.
      • m_kImage

        protected ModelImage m_kImage
        Input volume.
      • m_kLightSet

        protected SoftwareLightSet m_kLightSet
        used for lighting-based rendering.
      • m_kRotate

        protected javax.vecmath.Matrix3f m_kRotate
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_bReloadInput

        boolean m_bReloadInput
        For indicating that the volume input data should be reloaded.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Renderer

        protected Renderer​(ModelImage kImage,
                           int iRBound,
                           int[] aiRImage)
        The constructor for the renderer.
        kImage - the 3D image
        iRBound - the dimension of the square 2D renderer image
        aiRImage - The rendered image data stored in row-major order. Each integer pixel represents an RGB color in the format B | (G << 8) | (R << 16).
    • Method Detail

      • getAxis

        public abstract javax.vecmath.Vector3f getAxis​(int i)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        i - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • hasInputData

        public abstract boolean hasInputData()
        Return indication as to whether or not the input image data has been specified yet.
        boolean True if the input image data has been specified.
      • rotateBy

        public abstract void rotateBy​(javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f kAxisAngle)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        kAxisAngle - DOCUMENT ME!
      • rotateFrameBy

        public abstract void rotateFrameBy​( transform)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        transform - DOCUMENT ME!
      • setXBoundNeg

        public abstract void setXBoundNeg​(float value)
        Setup the X Negative clipping plane position.
        value - position of the X negative clip slider.
      • setXBoundPos

        public abstract void setXBoundPos​(float value)
        Setup the X positive clipping plane position.
        value - position of the X positive clip slider.
      • setYBoundNeg

        public abstract void setYBoundNeg​(float value)
        Setup the Y Negative clipping plane position.
        value - position of the Y negative clip slider.
      • setYBoundPos

        public abstract void setYBoundPos​(float value)
        Setup the Y positive clipping plane position.
        value - positin of the Y positve clip slider.
      • setZBoundNeg

        public abstract void setZBoundNeg​(float value)
        Setup the Z negative clipping plane position.
        value - position of the Z negative clip slider.
      • setZBoundPos

        public abstract void setZBoundPos​(float value)
        Setup the Z positive clipping plane position.
        value - position of the Z positive clip slider.
      • usesNormals

        public abstract boolean usesNormals()
        Return indication as to whether or not the particular renderer uses normal vectors as part of its implementation.
        boolean True if the implementation uses normals.
      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal()
        Disposes of image memory and associated objects.
      • getAngle

        public float getAngle()
        Read the field of view angle.
        m_fAngle the current field of view angle
      • getBackgroundColor

        public java.awt.Color getBackgroundColor()
        Read the background color used for rendering images.
        Color RGBA color in use for the image background.
      • getExtreme

        public float getExtreme()
        Read the view port extreme value e. VolumeRenderer uses this to zoom the image for a parallel camera.
        the current view port extreme
      • getEyeDist

        public float getEyeDist()
        Read the z value of the eye point (0,0,z). VolumeRenderer uses this to zoom the image for a perspective camera.
        the current z component of the eye point
      • getEyePoint

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f getEyePoint()
        Return the world space coordinates for the eye point.
        Point3f world space coordinates of the eye point.
      • getGamma

        public float getGamma()
        Get the gamma correction.
        the gamma correction
      • getMaxBound

        public int getMaxBound()
        The maximum of the x-, y-, and z-dimensions of the image.
        the maximuim dimension
      • getMinBound

        public int getMinBound()
        The minimum of the x-, y-, and z-dimensions of the image.
        the minimuim dimension
      • getNear

        public float getNear()
        Read the distance from the eye point to the view plane.
        the current distance
      • getParallel

        public boolean getParallel()
        Read the current camera model.
        true for a parallel camera, false for a perspective camera
      • getXBound

        public int getXBound()
        The x-dimension of the image.
        the x-dimension
      • getXTranslate

        public float getXTranslate()
        Get the x translation.
        the x translation
      • getYBound

        public int getYBound()
        The y-dimension of the image.
        the y-dimension
      • getYTranslate

        public float getYTranslate()
        Get the y translation.
        the y translation
      • getZBound

        public int getZBound()
        The z-dimension of the image.
        the z-dimension
      • getZoom

        public float getZoom()
        Get the zoom factor.
        the zoom factor
      • hasNormals

        public boolean hasNormals()
        Return indication as to whether or not the normal vectors for each voxel in the volume has been specified.
        boolean True if such an array of normal vectors has been defined.
      • reloadInputData

        public boolean reloadInputData()
        Accessor that returns whether or not to reload the volume data.
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • reloadInputData

        public void reloadInputData​(boolean bReload)
        set the m_bReloadInput member variable. this is used to force the renderer to use new volume data.
        bReload - boolean bReload = true will cause the data to be reloaded.
      • setAngle

        public void setAngle​(float fAngle)
        Change the field of view angle. For a perspective camera, the current near value and the new angle are used to compute the new extreme value.
        fAngle - the new field of view angle, a number A satisfying the constraints 0 < A < pi
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(java.awt.Color color)
        Set the background color for the rendered image.
        color - Color RGBA color to use for the image background.
      • setExtreme

        public void setExtreme​(float fExtreme)
        Change the view port extreme value e. VolumeRenderer uses this to zoom the image for a parallel camera. The method does not allow a change to e for perspective cameras. This should be done indirectly via calls to setNear, setAngle, or setNearAndAngle.
        fExtreme - the new view port extreme
      • setEyeDist

        public void setEyeDist​(float fDist)
        Change the z value of the eye point (0,0,z). VolumeRenderer uses this to zoom the image for a perspective camera.
        fDist - the new z component of the eye point
      • setGamma

        public void setGamma​(float fGamma)
        Set the gamma correction. The value must be nonnegative. A color C0 in [0,255] is normalized to C1 in [0,1], replaced by C2 = pow(C1,gamma), then remapped to C3 in [0,255]. The calculations are done in the construction of the final rendered image from the computed color channels.
        fGamma - the gamma correction
      • setLighting

        public void setLighting​(SoftwareLightSet kLightSet,
                                SoftwareMaterial kMaterial)
        Setup the specified set of lights to use for rendering.
        kLightSet - SoftwareLightSet Set of world/model lights.
        kMaterial - SoftwareMaterial Set of default material properties to use when applying the lighting.
      • setMaterialShininess

        public void setMaterialShininess​(float value)
        Set the texture material shininess value.
        value - shininess value.
      • setNear

        public void setNear​(float fNear)
        Change the distance from the eye point to the view plane. For a perspective camera, the current field of view angle and the new near value are used to compute the new extreme value.
        fNear - the new distance, a number N satisfying the constraint N > 0
      • setNearAndAngle

        public void setNearAndAngle​(float fNear,
                                    float fAngle)
        Change the near distance and the field of view angle. For a perspective camera, the new values are used to compute the new extreme value.
        fNear - the new distance N, a number satisfying the constraint N > 0
        fAngle - the new field of view angle, a number A satisfying the constraints 0 < A < pi
      • setNormals

        public void setNormals​(javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akNormal)
        Specify the array of normal vectors for each voxel in the volume.
        akNormal - Vector3f[] Array of normal vectors.
      • setParallel

        public void setParallel​(boolean bParallel)
        Change the camera model.
        bParallel - true for a parallel camera, false for a perspective camera
      • setXTranslate

        public void setXTranslate​(float fXTrn)
        Set the x translation. The (x,y) vector is used to translate the cener of the rendered image on the screen.
        fXTrn - the x translation
      • setYTranslate

        public void setYTranslate​(float fYTrn)
        Set the y translation. The (x,y) vector is used to translate the cener of the rendered image on the screen.
        fYTrn - the y translation
      • setZoom

        public void setZoom​(float fZoom)
        Set the zoom factor. The value must be positive. The smaller the value, the closer the volume data appears to the viewer.
        fZoom - the zoom factor
      • orthonormalize

        protected static void orthonormalize​(javax.vecmath.Vector3f[] akVector)
        The axis vectors for the oriented bounding box are rotated in place. After many rotations, numerical errors can cause the axes to be signicantly skewed so that they are no longer a good approximation to a right-handed orthonormal coordinate system. This method uses Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to avoid the accumulative errors and is called after each rotation is applied to the axes.
        akVector - DOCUMENT ME!
      • computeIntegralNormalizationFactor

        protected float computeIntegralNormalizationFactor​(byte[] acImage)
        In order to map line integrals of image intensity to RGB colors where each color channel is 8 bits, it is necessary to make sure that the integrals are in [0,255]. Producing a theoretical maximum value of a line integral is not tractable in an application. This method constructs an approximate maximum by integrating along each line of voxels in the image with line directions parallel to the coordinate axes. The 'processRay' call adjusts the line integrals using the estimate, but still clamps the integrals to 255 since the estimate might not be the true maximum.
        acImage - byte[] Input volume to use in computing the integral normalization factor.
        float Integral normalization factor.
      • convertWorldToModel

        protected final void convertWorldToModel​(javax.vecmath.Tuple3f kWorld,
                                                 javax.vecmath.Tuple3f kModel)
        Convert coordinates from world space to model space.
        kWorld - Tuple3f input world space coordinates
        kModel - Tuple3f output world space coordinates
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        Calls dispose.
        finalize in class java.lang.Object
        java.lang.Throwable - DOCUMENT ME!
      • traceInit

        protected void traceInit()
        Called at the beginning of the trace methods.