Interface RegionGrowDialog

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    JDialogPaintGrow, JDialogPaintVasculature

    public interface RegionGrowDialog
    Interface for dialogs which gather region grow information and then update a list of listeners who want to know about the region grow.
    Evan McCreedy
    • Method Detail

      • getDisplayFuzzy

        boolean getDisplayFuzzy()
        Accessor that returns displayFuzzy.
        whether to show the fuzzy image.
      • getFuzzyThreshold

        float getFuzzyThreshold()
        Accessor that returns the fuzzy threshold.
        fuzzy threshold.
      • getLowerBound

        float getLowerBound()
        Accessor to the lower bound slider.
        The value to be subtracted to the seed intensity the defines the lower intensity value that the region can grow into.
      • getLowerBoundB

        float getLowerBoundB()
        Accessor to the lower bound blue slider.
        The value to be subtracted to the seed blue intensity that defines the lower intensity blue value that the region can grow into.
      • getLowerBoundG

        float getLowerBoundG()
        Accessor to the lower bound green slider.
        The value to be subtracted to the seed green intensity that defines the lower intensity green value that the region can grow into.
      • getLowerBoundR

        float getLowerBoundR()
        Accessor to the lower bound red slider.
        The value to be subtracted to the seed redintensity that defines the lower intensity red value that the region can grow into.
      • getMaxDistance

        int getMaxDistance()
        Accessor that returns the maximum distance from the seed point to a point in the object.
        The maximum distance from the seed point to the object in units of the image.
      • getMaxSize

        int getMaxSize()
        Accessor that returns the maximum size of the object.
        The maximum size of the object in units of the image.
      • getUpperBound

        float getUpperBound()
        Accessor to the upper bound slider.
        The value to be added to the seed intensity that defines the upper intensity value that the region can grow into.
      • getUpperBoundB

        float getUpperBoundB()
        Accessor to the upper bound blue slider.
        The value to be added to the seed blue intensity that defines the upper intensity blue value that the region can grow into.
      • getUpperBoundG

        float getUpperBoundG()
        Accessor to the upper bound green slider.
        The value to be added to the seed green intensity that defines the upper intensity green value that the region can grow into.
      • getUpperBoundR

        float getUpperBoundR()
        Accessor to the upper bound red slider.
        The value to be added to the seed red intensity that defines the upper intensity red value that the region can grow into.
      • getUseVOI

        boolean getUseVOI()
        Accessor that returns useVOI.
        whether to region grow within a VOI.
      • getVariableThresholds

        boolean getVariableThresholds()
        Accessor to checkbox that tells if thresholds vary with region growth.
        boolean that tells if thresholds vary with region growth
      • notifyPaintListeners

        void notifyPaintListeners​(boolean isRegionGrow,
                                  boolean backup,
                                  java.util.BitSet paintMask)
        Tells images which are watching the paint region grow to update themselves.
        isRegionGrow - whether the update was caused by a region grow or by something else (eg - eraseall)
        backup - whether to backup the paint region before updating it (to allow for undos).
        paintMask - the paint mask to tell the listeners about.
      • resetDialogs

        void resetDialogs()
        Sets the reference to this dialog for all of the images listening to it to null.
      • setPositionText

        void setPositionText​(java.lang.String posString)
        Sets text in positionPanel.
        posString - String to put in text field.
      • setRegionGrowAlgo

        void setRegionGrowAlgo​(AlgorithmRegionGrow regionGrowAlgo)
        Sets the region grow algo associated with this dialog. Used for changing the fuzzy connectedness threshold.
        regionGrowAlgo - the algorithm doing the actual region growing.