Class SuperLU
- java.lang.Object
- gov.nih.mipav.model.structures.jama.SuperLU
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class SuperLU extends java.lang.Object implements
The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt at the top-level directory. Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. (3) Neither the name of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------- External software ----------------- In the ILU preconditioner driver routine xGSISX, we use MC64 routine to pre-permute large entries to the main diagonal. This use path can be removed for commercial users. MC64 routine carries the following notice: COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils. All rights reserved. PACKAGE MC64A/AD AUTHORS Iain Duff ( and Jacko Koster ( LAST UPDATE 20/09/99 Conditions on external use *** The user shall acknowledge the contribution of this package in any publication of material dependent upon the use of the package. The user shall use reasonable endeavours to notify the authors of the package of this publication. The user can modify this code but, at no time shall the right or title to all or any part of this package pass to the user. The user shall make available free of charge to the authors for any purpose all information relating to any alteration or addition made to this package for the purposes of extending the capabilities or enhancing the performance of this package. The user shall not pass this code directly to a third party without the express prior consent of the authors. Users wanting to licence their own copy of these routines should send email to None of the comments from the Copyright notice up to and including this one shall be removed or altered in any way. Test for dasum, daxpy, dcopy, ddot, dnrm2, drot, dscal, and idamax BLAS routines are derived from super_blas1_d_test.c by John Burkardt dblat2 calls dgemv_. dgemv_ has a test_dmatvec and a test_sp_dgemv. dblat3 calls dchk1 which calls dgemm and dchk3 which calls dtrsm. dgemm has a test_sp_dgemm dtrsm has testing for dusolve and dlsolve. zblat2 calls zgemv_. zgemv_ has a test_zmatvec and a test_zp_gemv. zblat3 calls zchk1 which calls zgemm and zchk3 which calls ZTRSM. zgemm has a test_zp_zgemm. ZTRSM has testing for zusolve and zlsolve. License for using DBLAT2 and supporting routines for testing dgemv_, dger_, dsymv_, dsyr2_, and dtrsv_, for using ZBLAT1 for testing zdotc_, zaxpy_, zcopy_, zswap_, dznrm2_, dzasum_, zscal_, and izamazx_, and for using ZBLAT2 and supporting routines for testing zgemv_, zhemv_, ztrsv_, zgetrc_, and zher2_, for using DBLAT3 for testing a modified dtrsm used to test dusolve and dlsolve and a modified dgemm to test sp_dgemm, and for using ZBLAT3 for testing a modified ztrsm used to test zusolve and zlsolve and a modified zgemm to test sp_zgemm from LAPACK package: Copyright (c) 1992-2023 The University of Tennessee and The University of Tennessee Research Foundation. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2000-2023 The University of California Berkeley. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2006-2023 The University of Colorado Denver. All rights reserved. $COPYRIGHT$ Additional copyrights may follow $HEADER$ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer listed in this license in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. The copyright holders provide no reassurances that the source code provided does not infringe any patent, copyright, or any other intellectual property rights of third parties. The copyright holders disclaim any liability to any recipient for claims brought against recipient by any third party for infringement of that parties intellectual property rights. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. On Wed, June 5, 2024 at 3:31 PM Gandler, William (NIH/CIT) [E]wrote: Yousef Saad, emailing us permission to use dfgmr.c and zfgmr.c in MIPAV under a BSD license would be adequate. We will give you full acknowledgement for your work. William Gandler On June 5, 2024 Yousef Saad emailed the reply: Permission is hereby granted for you to use dfgmr.c and zfgmr.c in MIPAV under a BSD licence instead of the current Gnu license. With best regards, YS - See Also:
- Serialized Form
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes Modifier and Type Class Description (package private) class
(package private) class
static class
static class
(package private) class
static class
(package private) class
static class
(package private) class
static class
static class
(package private) class
(package private) class
static class
static class
static class
The storage schemes are defined as follows(package private) class
static class
(package private) class
(package private) class
(package private) class
static class
static class
static class
(package private) class
static class
static class
The matrix types are defined as followsclass
static class
static class
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
(package private) SuperLU.SuperMatrix
(package private) SuperLU.SuperMatrix
(package private) double[]
(package private) SuperLU.SuperMatrix
(package private) SuperLU.mem_usage_t
(package private) SuperLU.superlu_options_t
(package private) int[]
(package private) int[]
(package private) double[]
(package private) SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t
(package private) SuperLU.SuperMatrix
private boolean
(package private) int
(package private) int
(package private) int
(package private) int
(package private) int
(package private) int
(package private) int
private double
(package private) int
(package private) int
private int
private int
private int
(package private) int
(package private) int
private int
private int
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description SuperLU()
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description private double
ABS1(SuperLU.doublecomplex C)
(package private) void
at_plus_a(int n, int nz, int[] colptr, int[] rowind, int[] bnz, int[][] b_colptr, int[][] b_rowind)
(package private) int
check_perm(java.lang.String what, int n, int[] perm)
(package private) void
check_repfnz(int n, int w, int jcol, int[] repfnz)
private void
CHECK1(double SFAC, int ICASE, int[] INCX, int[] INCY, int[] N, boolean[] PASS)
private void
CHECK2(double SFAC, int ICASE, int[] INCX, int[] INCY, int[] N, boolean[] PASS)
private void
CHKXER(java.lang.String SRNAMT, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private int
clear_mark(int tag_mark, int max_mark, int n_row, int[] A, int Alen, int Col_size)
(package private) int
COLAMD_C(int n_col, int[] ok)
COLAMD_MAIN(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int[] A, int[] p, double[] knobs, int[] stats)
(package private) int
COLAMD_R(int n_row, int[] ok)
COLAMD_recommended(int nnz, int n_row, int n_col)
COLAMD_set_defaults(double[] knobs)
convertDenseToSuperMatrix(double[][] A)
convertDenseToSuperMatrix(SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A)
(package private) void
copy_mem_double(int howmany, double[] old, double[] newm)
(package private) void
copy_mem_doublecomplex(int howmany, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] old, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] newm)
(package private) void
copy_mem_int(int howmany, int[] old, int[] newm)
(package private) void
countnz(int n, int[] xprune, int[] nnzL, int[] nnzU, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
private void
CTEST(int LEN, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CCOMP, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CTRUE, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CSIZE, double SFAC, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
d_cnjg(SuperLU.doublecomplex r, SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
d_imag(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
(package private) double
d_sign(double a, double b)
(package private) void
dallocateA(int n, int nnz, double[][] a, int[][] asub, int[][] xa)
(package private) double
dasum_(int n, double[] dx, int incx)
(package private) int
daxpy_(int n, double da, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
private double
DBEG(boolean[] RESET)
(package private) void
dcheck_tempv(int n, double[] tempv)
private void
DCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NBET, double[] BET, int NMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[][] B, double[] BB, double[] BS, double[][] C, double[] CC, double[] CS, double[] CT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
DCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NBET, double[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
DCHK2(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NBET, double[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
DCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[][] B, double[] BB, double[] BS, double[] CT, double[] G, double[][] C, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK, int[] numdusolve, int[] numdlsolve)
private void
DCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] XT, double[] G, double[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
DCHK4(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, double[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
DCHK6(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, double[][] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
DCHKE(int ISNUM, java.lang.String SRNAMT, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
(package private) int
dcolumn_bmod(int jcol, int nseg, double[] dense, double[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int fpanelc, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) int
dcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
dCompRow_to_CompCol(int m, int n, int nnz, double[] a, int[] colind, int[] rowptr, double[][] at, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
(package private) int
dcopy_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
(package private) void
dCopy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
(package private) void
dCopy_Dense_Matrix(int M, int N, double[] X, int ldx, double[] Y, int ldy)
(package private) int
dcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, double[] dense, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
dCreate_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int m, int n, int nnz, double[] nzval, int[] rowind, int[] colptr, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
(package private) void
dCreate_CompRow_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int m, int n, int nnz, double[] nzval, int[] colind, int[] rowptr, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
dCreate_Dense_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, int m, int n, double[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
(package private) void
dCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, int m, int n, int nnz, double[] nzval, int[] nzval_colptr, int[] rowind, int[] rowind_colptr, int[] col_to_sup, int[] sup_to_col, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
(package private) double
ddot_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
(package private) int
ddrive(java.lang.String matrix_type, fp, int[] n)
(package private) int
dDumpLine( fp)
private void
debug_deg_lists(int n_row, int n_col, int[] A, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] head, int min_score, int should, int max_deg)
private void
debug_mark(int n_row, int[] A, int Alen, int Col_size, int tag_mark, int max_mark)
private void
debug_matrix(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A)
private void
debug_structures(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int n_col2)
(package private) int
DENSE_DEGREE(double alpha, int n)
(package private) float
DenseSize(int n, float sum_nw)
Destroy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
Destroy_CompCol_Permuted(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
Destroy_CompRow_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
Destroy_Dense_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
private void
detect_super_cols(int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] head, int row_start, int row_length)
(package private) double[]
dexpand(int[] prev_len, SuperLU.MemType type, int len_to_copy, int keep_prev, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) boolean
dfgmr(int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] rhs, double[] sol, double tol, int im, int[] itmax, fits)
(package private) void
dfill(double[] a, int alen, double dval)
(package private) int
dfill_diag(int n, SuperLU.NCformat Astore)
dFillRHS(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int nrhs, double[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
private void
dgeequ(int m, int n, double[][] A, int lda, double[] r, double[] c, double[] rowcnd, double[] colcnd, double[] amax, int[] info)
dgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, double alpha, double[][] A, int lda, double[][] B, int ldb, double beta, double[][] C, int ldc)
This is a port of the 2/8/89 Blas routine Original version written by: Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory Iain Duff, AERE Harwell.(package private) int
dgemv_(char trans, int m, int n, double alpha, double[] a, int lda, double[] x, int incx, double beta, double[] y, int incy)
dGenXtrue(int n, int nrhs, double[] x, int ldx)
(package private) int
dger_(int m, int n, double alpha, double[] x, int incx, double[] y, int incy, double[] a, int lda)
(package private) void
dgscon(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double anorm, double[] rcond, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
dgsequ(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double[] rowcnd, double[] colcnd, double[] amax, int[] info)
(package private) void
dgsisx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
dgsitrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, double[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
dgsrfs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, char equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
dgssv(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
dgssvx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) int
dgst01(int m, int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, double[] resid)
(package private) int
dgst02(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int m, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] x, int ldx, double[] b, int ldb, double[] resid)
(package private) int
dgst04(int n, int nrhs, double[] x, int ldx, double[] xact, int ldxact, double rcond, double[] resid)
(package private) int
dgst07(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] b, int ldb, double[] x, int ldx, double[] xact, int ldxact, double[] ferr, double[] berr, double[] reslts)
(package private) void
dgstrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, double[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
dgstrs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
dinf_norm_error(int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] xtrue)
(package private) int
dlabad_slu(double[] small, double[] large)
(package private) int
dlacon2_(int n, double[] v, double[] x, int[] isgn, double[] est, int[] kase, int[] isave)
(package private) int
dlagge_slu(int m, int n, int kl, int ku, double[] d, double[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, double[] work, int[] info)
(package private) int
dlagsy_slu(int n, int k, double[] d, double[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, double[] work, int[] info)
(package private) double
dlangs(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
dlaqgs(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double rowcnd, double colcnd, double amax, char[] equed)
(package private) double
dlaran_slu(int[] iseed)
(package private) double
dlarnd_slu(int idist, int[] iseed)
(package private) int
dlarnv_slu(int idist, int[] iseed, int n, double[] x)
(package private) int
dlarot_slu(boolean lrows, boolean lleft, boolean lright, int nl, double c, double s, double[] a, int lda, double[] xleft, double[] xright)
(package private) int
dlartg_slu(double f, double g, double[] cs, double[] sn, double[] r)
(package private) int
dlaruv_slu(int[] iseed, int n, double[] x)
(package private) int
dlaset_slu(char uplo, int m, int n, double alpha, double beta, double[] a, int lda)
(package private) int
dlatb4_slu(java.lang.String path, int imat, int m, int n, char[] type, int[] kl, int[] ku, double[] anorm, int[] mode, double[] cndnum, char[] dist)
(package private) int
dlatm1_slu(int mode, double cond, int irsign, int idist, int[] iseed, double[] d, int n, int[] info)
(package private) int
dlatms_slu(int m, int n, char dist, int[] iseed, char sym, double[] d, int mode, double cond, double dmax__, int kl, int ku, char pack, double[] a, int lda, double[] work, int[] info)
dlinsolx(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
dlinsolx1(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
dlinsolx2(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
dlinsolx3(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
(package private) void
dlsolve(int ldm, int ncol, double[] M, double[] rhs)
(package private) int
dLUMemInit(SuperLU.fact_t fact, double[] work, int lwork, int m, int n, int annz, int panel_size, double fill_ratio, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, int[][] iwork, double[][] dwork)
(package private) int
dLUMemXpand(int jcol, int next, SuperLU.MemType mem_type, int[] maxlen, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
dLUWorkFree(int[] iwork, double[] dwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
dLUWorkInit(int m, int n, int panel_size, int[][] iworkptr, double[][] dworkptr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) double
dmach(char cmach)
private void
DMAKE(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, char DIAG, int M, int N, double[][] A, int NMAX, double[] AA, int LDA, int KL, int KU, boolean[] RESET, double TRANSL)
(package private) void
dmatvec(int ldm, int nrow, int ncol, double[] M, double[] vec, double[] Mxvec)
(package private) int
dmemory_usage(int nzlmax, int nzumax, int nzlumax, int n)
private void
DMMCH(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int KK, double ALPHA, double[][] A, int LDA, double[][] B, int LDB, double BETA, double[][] C, int LDC, double[] CT, double[] G, double[][] CC, int LDCC, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
private void
DMVCH(char TRANS, int M, int N, double ALPHA, double[][] A, int NMAX, double[] X, int INCX, double BETA, double[] Y, int INCY, double[] YT, double[] G, double[] YY, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
(package private) double
dnrm2_(int n, double[] x, int incx)
(package private) void
dpanel_bmod(int m, int w, int jcol, int nseg, double[] dense, double[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) void
dpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, double[] dense, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
dParseFloatFormat(byte[] buf, int[] num, int[] size)
(package private) int
dParseIntFormat(byte[] buf, int[] num, int[] size)
(package private) double
dPivotGrowth(int ncols, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U)
(package private) int
dpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int[] iperm_r, int[] iperm_c, int[] pivrow, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) void
dPrint_CompCol_Matrix(java.lang.String what, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
dPrint_Dense_Matrix(java.lang.String what, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
dprint_lu_col(java.lang.String msg, int jcol, int pivrow, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
dprint_soln(int n, int nrhs, double[] soln)
(package private) void
dPrint_SuperNode_Matrix(java.lang.String what, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
dPrintPerf(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, double rpg, double rcond, double[] ferr, double[] berr, char[] equed, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) void
dpruneL(int jcol, int[] perm_r, int pivrow, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) double
dqselect(int n, double[] A, int k)
(package private) int
dQuerySpace(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage)
(package private) void
dreadhb( fp, int[] nrow, int[] ncol, int[] nonz, double[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
private void
dreadMM( fp, int[] m, int[] n, int[] nonz, double[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
(package private) static void
dreadrhs(int m, double[] b)
(package private) int
dReadValues( fp, int n, double[] destination, int perline, int persize)
private void
DREGR1(char TRANS, int M, int N, int LY, int KL, int KU, double ALPHA, double[][] A, int LDA, double[] X, int INCX, double BETA, double[] Y, int INCY, double[] YS)
(package private) int
drot_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy, double c, double s)
(package private) int
dscal_(int n, double da, double[] dx, int incx)
(package private) void
dSetRWork(int m, int panel_size, double[][] dworkptr, double[][] dense, double[][] tempv)
(package private) void
dSetupSpace(double[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
dsnode_bmod(int jcol, int jsupno, int fsupc, double[] dense, double[] tempv, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) int
dsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] xprune, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
dswap_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
(package private) int
dsymv_(char uplo, int n, double alpha, double[] a, int lda, double[] x, int incx, double beta, double[] y, int incy)
(package private) int
dsyr2_(char uplo, int n, double alpha, double[] x, int incx, double[] y, int incy, double[] a, int lda)
dtrsm(char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, double alpha, double[][] A, int lda, double[][] B, int ldb, int[] numdusolve, int[] numdlsolve)
This is a port of the 2/8/89 Blas routine DTRSM Original code written by: Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory Iain Duff, AERE Harwell.(package private) int
dtrsv_(char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, double[] a, int lda, double[] x, int incx)
(package private) void
dusolve(int ldm, int ncol, double[] M, double[] rhs)
(package private) double
dzasum_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx)
(package private) double
dznrm2_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx)
(package private) double
dzsum1_slu(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] cx, int incx)
(package private) void
etdfs(int v, int[] first_kid, int[] next_kid, int[] post, int[] postnum)
(package private) int
find(int i, int[] pp)
private int
find_ordering(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] head, int n_col2, int max_deg, int pfree, int aggressive)
(package private) void
fixupL(int n, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) static void
FormFullA(int n, int[] nonz, double[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
private int
garbage_collection(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int pfree_index)
(package private) int
genmmd_(int[] neqns, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] invp, int[] perm, int[] delta, int[] dhead, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker, int[] maxint, int[] nofsub)
(package private) void
get_colamd(int m, int n, int nnz, int[] colptr, int[] rowind, int[] perm_c)
(package private) void
get_metis(int n, int bnz, int[] b_colptr, int[] b_rowind, int[] perm_c)
(package private) void
get_perm_c(int ispec, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c)
(package private) void
getata(int m, int n, int nz, int[] colptr, int[] rowind, int[] atanz, int[][] ata_colptr, int[][] ata_rowind)
private int
GluIntArray(int n)
private void
(package private) void
heap_relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end)
(package private) int
idamax_(int n, double[] dx, int incx)
(package private) int[]
iexpand(int[] prev_len, SuperLU.MemType type, int len_to_copy, int keep_prev, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
ifill(int[] a, int alen, int ival)
(package private) void
ilu_countnz(int n, int[] nnzL, int[] nnzU, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
ilu_dcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
ilu_dcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, double[] dense, int drop_rule, SuperLU.milu_t milu, double drop_tol, int quota, double[] sum, int[] nnzUj, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] work)
(package private) int
ilu_ddrop_row(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, int first, int last, double drop_tol, int quota, int[] nnzLj, double[] fill_tol, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] dwork, double[] dwork2, int lastc)
(package private) void
ilu_dpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, double[] dense, double[] amax, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
ilu_dpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int diagind, int[] swap, int[] iswap, int[] marker, int[] pivrow, double fill_tol, SuperLU.milu_t milu, double drop_sum, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) int
ilu_dQuerySpace(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage)
(package private) int
ilu_dsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
ilu_heap_relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end, int[] relax_fsupc)
(package private) void
ilu_relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end, int[] relax_fsupc)
(package private) void
ilu_set_default_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
(package private) int
ilu_zcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
ilu_zcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, int drop_rule, SuperLU.milu_t milu, double drop_tol, int quota, SuperLU.doublecomplex sum, int[] nnzUj, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] work)
(package private) int
ilu_zdrop_row(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, int first, int last, double drop_tol, int quota, int[] nnzLj, double[] fill_tol, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] dwork, double[] dwork2, int lastc)
(package private) void
ilu_zpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, double[] amax, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
ilu_zpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int diagind, int[] swap, int[] iswap, int[] marker, int[] pivrow, double fill_tol, SuperLU.milu_t milu, SuperLU.doublecomplex drop_sum, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) int
ilu_zsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
private int
init_rows_cols(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] p, int[] stats)
private void
init_scoring(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] head, double[] knobs, int[] p_n_row2, int[] p_n_col2, int[] p_max_deg)
private void
ITEST1(int ICOMP, int ITRUE, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
(package private) int
izamax_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx)
(package private) int
izmax1_slu(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] cx, int incx)
private boolean
LDE(double[] RI, double[] RJ, int LR)
private boolean
LDERES(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, int M, int N, double[][] AA, double[][] AS, int LDA)
(package private) int
link(int s, int t, int[] pp)
(package private) float
LUFactFlops(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) float
LUSolveFlops(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
private boolean
LZE(SuperLU.doublecomplex[] RI, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] RJ, int LR)
private boolean
LZERES(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] AS, int LDA)
(package private) int
make_set(int i, int[] pp)
(package private) int
mark_relax(int n, int[] relax_end, int[] relax_fsupc, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] asub, int[] marker)
(package private) int[]
mxCallocInt(int n)
(package private) void
nr_etdfs(int n, int[] parent, int[] first_kid, int[] next_kid, int[] post, int postnum)
private double
NUM_TEMPV(double m, double w, double t, double b)
private int
NUM_TEMPV(int m, int w, int t, int b)
private void
order_children(int n_col, int[] A, int Alen, int[] p)
(package private) double
pow_di(double ap, int bp)
(package private) int
print_double_vec(java.lang.String what, int n, double[] vec)
(package private) void
print_ilu_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
(package private) int
print_int_vec(java.lang.String what, int n, int[] vec)
(package private) void
print_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
(package private) void
print_panel_seg(int n, int w, int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz)
(package private) void
PrintSumm(java.lang.String type, int nfail, int nrun, int nerrs)
(package private) static int
ReadVector( fp, int n, int[] where, int perline, int persize)
(package private) float
Reduce(float alpha)
(package private) void
relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end)
(package private) void
resetrep_col(int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz)
set_default_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
(package private) void
SetIWork(int m, int n, int panel_size, int[] iworkptr, int[][] segrep, int[][] parent, int[][] xplore, int[][] repfnz, int[][] panel_lsub, int[][] xprune, int[][] marker)
(package private) int
SGN(double x)
(package private) int
slu_mmdelm_(int[] mdnode, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] dhead, int[] dforw, int[] dbakw, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker, int[] maxint, int[] tag)
(package private) int
slu_mmdint_(int[] neqns, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] dhead, int[] dforw, int[] dbakw, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker)
(package private) int
slu_mmdnum_(int[] neqns, int[] perm, int[] invp, int[] qsize)
(package private) int
slu_mmdupd_(int[] ehead, int[] neqns, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] delta, int[] mdeg, int[] dhead, int[] dforw, int[] dbakw, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker, int[] maxint, int[] tag)
(package private) int
slu_PrintInt10(java.lang.String name, int len, int[] x)
(package private) int
sp_coletree(int[] acolst, int[] acolend, int[] arow, int nr, int nc, int[] parent)
(package private) int
sp_dconvert(int m, int n, double[] A, int lda, int kl, int ku, double[] a, int[] asub, int[] xa, int[] nnz)
(package private) int
sp_dgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, double alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] b, int ldb, double beta, double[] c, int ldc)
(package private) int
sp_dgemv(char trans, double alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] x, int incx, double beta, double[] y, int incy)
(package private) int
sp_dtrsv(char uplo, char trans, char diag, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double[] x, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) int
sp_ienv(int ispec)
(package private) int
sp_ienv_test(int ispec)
(package private) void
sp_preorder(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] etree, SuperLU.SuperMatrix AC)
(package private) int
sp_symetree(int[] acolst, int[] acolend, int[] arow, int n, int[] parent)
(package private) int
sp_zconvert(int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] A, int lda, int kl, int ku, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int[] asub, int[] xa, int[] nnz)
(package private) int
sp_zgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] b, int ldb, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] c, int ldc)
(package private) int
sp_zgemv(char trans, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
(package private) int
sp_ztrsv(char uplo, char trans, char diag, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) float
SpaSize(int n, int np, float sum_npw)
StatFree(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
StatInit(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
StatPrint(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
private void
STEST(int LEN, double[] SCOMP, double[] STRUE, double[] SSIZE, double SFAC, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
private void
STEST1(double SCOMP1, double STRUE1, double[] SSIZE, double SFAC, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
(package private) void
super_stats(int nsuper, int[] xsup)
(package private) void
superlu_abort_and_exit(java.lang.String msg)
(package private) int
t_add(int a, int b, int[] ok)
(package private) int
t_mult(int a, int k, int[] ok)
(package private) int
TempSpace(int m, int w)
(package private) int[]
TreePostorder(int n, int[] parent)
z_abs(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
z_abs1(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
z_add(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
z_div(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
z_eq(SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
z_exp(SuperLU.doublecomplex r, SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
z_sgn(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
z_sqrt(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
z_sub(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
(package private) void
zallocateA(int n, int nnz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] a, int[][] asub, int[][] xa)
(package private) int
zaxpy_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex za, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
private void
ZB1NRM2(int N, int INCX, double THRESH)
private SuperLU.doublecomplex
ZBEG(boolean[] RESET)
private void
ZCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NBET, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BET, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BB, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CC, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
ZCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NBET, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
ZCHK2(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NBET, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
ZCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BB, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK, int[] numzusolve, int[] numzlsolve)
private void
ZCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
ZCHK4(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
ZCHK6(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void
ZCHKE(int ISNUM, java.lang.String SRNAMT, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
(package private) int
zcolumn_bmod(int jcol, int nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int fpanelc, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) int
zcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
zcopy_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
(package private) void
zCopy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
(package private) void
zCopy_Dense_Matrix(int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, int ldy)
(package private) int
zcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
zCreate_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int m, int n, int nnz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] nzval, int[] rowind, int[] colptr, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
(package private) void
zCreate_Dense_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
(package private) void
zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, int m, int n, int nnz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] nzval, int[] nzval_colptr, int[] rowind, int[] rowind_colptr, int[] col_to_sup, int[] sup_to_col, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
zd_mult(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, double b)
(package private) void
zdotc_(SuperLU.doublecomplex ret_val, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
(package private) int
zdrive(java.lang.String matrix_type, fp, int[] n)
(package private) SuperLU.doublecomplex[]
zexpand(int[] prev_len, SuperLU.MemType type, int len_to_copy, int keep_prev, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) boolean
zfgmr(int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] rhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] sol, double tol, int im, int[] itmax, fits)
(package private) void
zfill(SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int alen, SuperLU.doublecomplex dval)
(package private) int
zfill_diag(int n, SuperLU.NCformat Astore)
(package private) void
zFillRHS(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
(package private) void
zFormFullA(int n, int[] nonz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
private void
ZGEMM(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int K, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int LDA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, int LDB, SuperLU.doublecomplex BETA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, int LDC)
(package private) int
zgemv_(char trans, int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
zGenXtrue(int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx)
(package private) int
zgerc_(int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda)
(package private) void
zgscon(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double anorm, double[] rcond, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgsequ(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double[] rowcnd, double[] colcnd, double[] amax, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgsisx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgsitrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgsrfs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, char equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgssv(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgssvx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) int
zgst01(int m, int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, double[] resid)
(package private) int
zgst02(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int m, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] b, int ldb, double[] resid)
(package private) int
zgst04(int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] xact, int ldxact, double rcond, double[] resid)
(package private) int
zgst07(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] b, int ldb, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] xact, int ldxact, double[] ferr, double[] berr, double[] reslts)
(package private) void
zgstrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) void
zgstrs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
(package private) int
zhemv_(char uplo, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
(package private) int
zher2_(char uplo, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda)
(package private) void
zinf_norm_error(int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] xtrue)
(package private) int
zlacgv_slu(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx)
(package private) int
zlacon2_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] v, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, double[] est, int[] kase, int[] isave)
(package private) int
zlagge_slu(int m, int n, int kl, int ku, double[] d, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
(package private) int
zlaghe_slu(int n, int k, double[] d, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
(package private) int
zlagsy_slu(int n, int k, double[] d, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
(package private) double
zlangs(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
(package private) void
zlaqgs(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double rowcnd, double colcnd, double amax, char[] equed)
(package private) void
zlarnd_slu(SuperLU.doublecomplex ret_val, int idist, int[] iseed)
(package private) int
zlarnv_slu(int idist, int[] iseed, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x)
(package private) int
zlarot_slu(boolean lrows, boolean lleft, boolean lright, int nl, SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex s, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex xleft, SuperLU.doublecomplex xright)
(package private) int
zlartg_slu(SuperLU.doublecomplex f, SuperLU.doublecomplex g, double[] cs, SuperLU.doublecomplex sn, SuperLU.doublecomplex r)
(package private) int
zlaset_slu(char uplo, int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda)
(package private) int
zlatb4_slu(java.lang.String path, int imat, int m, int n, char[] type, int[] kl, int[] ku, double[] anorm, int[] mode, double[] cndnum, char[] dist)
(package private) int
zlatms_slu(int m, int n, char dist, int[] iseed, char sym, double[] d, int mode, double cond, double dmax__, int kl, int ku, char pack, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
zlinsolx(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
zlinsolx1(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
zlinsolx2(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
zlinsolx3(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
(package private) void
zlsolve(int ldm, int ncol, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] M, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] rhs)
(package private) int
zLUMemInit(SuperLU.fact_t fact, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, int m, int n, int annz, int panel_size, double fill_ratio, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, int[][] iwork, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dwork)
(package private) int
zLUMemXpand(int jcol, int next, SuperLU.MemType mem_type, int[] maxlen, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
zLUWorkFree(int[] iwork, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
zLUWorkInit(int m, int n, int panel_size, int[][] iworkptr, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dworkptr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
private void
ZMAKE(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, char DIAG, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, int LDA, int KL, int KU, boolean[] RESET, SuperLU.doublecomplex TRANSL)
(package private) void
zmatvec(int ldm, int nrow, int ncol, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] M, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] vec, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Mxvec)
(package private) int
zmemory_usage(int nzlmax, int nzumax, int nzlumax, int n)
private void
ZMMCH(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int KK, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int LDA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, int LDB, SuperLU.doublecomplex BETA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, int LDC, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] CC, int LDCC, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
private void
ZMVCH(char TRANS, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, int INCX, SuperLU.doublecomplex BETA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, int INCY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
(package private) void
zpanel_bmod(int m, int w, int jcol, int nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) void
zpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) double
zPivotGrowth(int ncols, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U)
(package private) int
zpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int[] iperm_r, int[] iperm_c, int[] pivrow, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) void
zprint_lu_col(java.lang.String msg, int jcol, int pivrow, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) void
zprint_soln(int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] soln)
(package private) void
zpruneL(int jcol, int[] perm_r, int pivrow, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
zQuerySpace(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage)
(package private) void
zreadhb( fp, int[] nrow, int[] ncol, int[] nonz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
(package private) int
zReadValues( fp, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] destination, int perline, int persize)
(package private) int
zscal_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex za, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx)
(package private) void
zSetRWork(int m, int panel_size, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dworkptr, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] tempv)
(package private) void
zSetupSpace(SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
zsnode_bmod(int jcol, int jsupno, int fsupc, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] tempv, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
(package private) int
zsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] xprune, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
(package private) int
zswap_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
(package private) int
zsymv_(char uplo, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
private void
ZTRSM(char SIDE, char UPLO, char TRANSA, char DIAG, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int LDA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, int LDB, int[] numzusolve, int[] numzlsolve)
(package private) int
ztrsv_(char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx)
(package private) void
zusolve(int ldm, int ncol, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] M, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] rhs)
zz_conj(SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
zz_mult(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
Field Detail
private final int NO_MARKER
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int EMPTY
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int FALSE
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int TRUE
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DEBUGlevel
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int PRNTlevel
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final boolean HAVE_METIS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_KNOBS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_STATS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_DENSE_ROW
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_DENSE_COL
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_AGGRESSIVE
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_DEFRAG_COUNT
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_STATUS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_INFO1
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_INFO2
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_INFO3
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_OK
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_OK_BUT_JUMBLED
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_A_not_present
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_p_not_present
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_nrow_negative
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_ncol_negative
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_nnz_negative
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_p0_nonzero
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_A_too_small
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_col_length_negative
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int COLAMD_ERROR_internal_error
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int colamd_debug
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int ALIVE
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DEAD
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DEAD_PRINCIPAL
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DEAD_NON_PRINCIPAL
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int NODROP
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_BASIC
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_PROWS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_COLUMN
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_AREA
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_SECONDARY
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_DYNAMIC
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int DROP_INTERP
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final double MILU_ALPHA
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
private final int NO_MEMTYPE
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
int I_DBEG
int I_ZBEG
int J_ZBEG
int num_dmatvec
int num_zmatvec
final int NBUCKS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
SuperLU.superlu_options_t GLOBAL_OPTIONS
double[] GLOBAL_R
double[] GLOBAL_C
SuperLU.SuperMatrix GLOBAL_A
SuperLU.SuperMatrix GLOBAL_A_ORIG
SuperLU.SuperMatrix GLOBAL_L
SuperLU.SuperMatrix GLOBAL_U
SuperLU.mem_usage_t GLOBAL_MEM_USAGE
Method Detail
public SuperLU.SuperMatrix convertDenseToSuperMatrix(double[][] A)
public SuperLU.SuperMatrix convertDenseToSuperMatrix(SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A)
private double NUM_TEMPV(double m, double w, double t, double b)
private int NUM_TEMPV(int m, int w, int t, int b)
private int GluIntArray(int n)
private void dreadMM( fp, int[] m, int[] n, int[] nonz, double[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
static void dreadrhs(int m, double[] b)
int dDumpLine( fp)
int dParseIntFormat(byte[] buf, int[] num, int[] size)
int dParseFloatFormat(byte[] buf, int[] num, int[] size)
static int ReadVector( fp, int n, int[] where, int perline, int persize)
int dReadValues( fp, int n, double[] destination, int perline, int persize)
int zReadValues( fp, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] destination, int perline, int persize)
static void FormFullA(int n, int[] nonz, double[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
void zFormFullA(int n, int[] nonz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
void dreadhb( fp, int[] nrow, int[] ncol, int[] nonz, double[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
void zreadhb( fp, int[] nrow, int[] ncol, int[] nonz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] nzval, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
void dCreate_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int m, int n, int nnz, double[] nzval, int[] rowind, int[] colptr, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void zCreate_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int m, int n, int nnz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] nzval, int[] rowind, int[] colptr, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void dCreate_CompRow_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int m, int n, int nnz, double[] nzval, int[] colind, int[] rowptr, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void dCopy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
void zCopy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
public void dCreate_Dense_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, int m, int n, double[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void zCreate_Dense_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void dCopy_Dense_Matrix(int M, int N, double[] X, int ldx, double[] Y, int ldy)
void zCopy_Dense_Matrix(int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, int ldy)
void dCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, int m, int n, int nnz, double[] nzval, int[] nzval_colptr, int[] rowind, int[] rowind_colptr, int[] col_to_sup, int[] sup_to_col, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void zCreate_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, int m, int n, int nnz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] nzval, int[] nzval_colptr, int[] rowind, int[] rowind_colptr, int[] col_to_sup, int[] sup_to_col, SuperLU.Stype_t stype, SuperLU.Dtype_t dtype, SuperLU.Mtype_t mtype)
void dCompRow_to_CompCol(int m, int n, int nnz, double[] a, int[] colind, int[] rowptr, double[][] at, int[][] rowind, int[][] colptr)
void dPrint_CompCol_Matrix(java.lang.String what, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void dPrint_SuperNode_Matrix(java.lang.String what, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void dPrint_Dense_Matrix(java.lang.String what, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void dprint_lu_col(java.lang.String msg, int jcol, int pivrow, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void zprint_lu_col(java.lang.String msg, int jcol, int pivrow, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void dcheck_tempv(int n, double[] tempv)
public void dGenXtrue(int n, int nrhs, double[] x, int ldx)
public void zGenXtrue(int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx)
public void dFillRHS(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int nrhs, double[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
void zFillRHS(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B)
void dfill(double[] a, int alen, double dval)
void zfill(SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int alen, SuperLU.doublecomplex dval)
public void dinf_norm_error(int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] xtrue)
void zinf_norm_error(int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] xtrue)
void dPrintPerf(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, double rpg, double rcond, double[] ferr, double[] berr, char[] equed, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int print_double_vec(java.lang.String what, int n, double[] vec)
int sp_dgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, double alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] b, int ldb, double beta, double[] c, int ldc)
int sp_zgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] b, int ldb, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] c, int ldc)
int sp_dgemv(char trans, double alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] x, int incx, double beta, double[] y, int incy)
int sp_zgemv(char trans, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
int sp_dtrsv(char uplo, char trans, char diag, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double[] x, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
int sp_ztrsv(char uplo, char trans, char diag, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void dlsolve(int ldm, int ncol, double[] M, double[] rhs)
void zlsolve(int ldm, int ncol, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] M, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] rhs)
void dusolve(int ldm, int ncol, double[] M, double[] rhs)
void zusolve(int ldm, int ncol, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] M, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] rhs)
void dmatvec(int ldm, int nrow, int ncol, double[] M, double[] vec, double[] Mxvec)
void zmatvec(int ldm, int nrow, int ncol, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] M, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] vec, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Mxvec)
int dtrsv_(char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, double[] a, int lda, double[] x, int incx)
int ztrsv_(char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx)
void superlu_abort_and_exit(java.lang.String msg)
public void set_default_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
void ilu_set_default_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
void print_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
void print_ilu_options(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options)
public void Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
public void Destroy_CompCol_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void Destroy_CompRow_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
public void Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void Destroy_CompCol_Permuted(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void Destroy_Dense_Matrix(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void resetrep_col(int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz)
void countnz(int n, int[] xprune, int[] nnzL, int[] nnzU, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void ilu_countnz(int n, int[] nnzL, int[] nnzU, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void fixupL(int n, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void print_panel_seg(int n, int w, int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz)
public void StatInit(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int sp_ienv_test(int ispec)
int sp_ienv(int ispec)
public void StatPrint(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
public void StatFree(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
float LUFactFlops(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
float LUSolveFlops(SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
void ifill(int[] a, int alen, int ival)
void super_stats(int nsuper, int[] xsup)
float SpaSize(int n, int np, float sum_npw)
float DenseSize(int n, float sum_nw)
void check_repfnz(int n, int w, int jcol, int[] repfnz)
void PrintSumm(java.lang.String type, int nfail, int nrun, int nerrs)
int print_int_vec(java.lang.String what, int n, int[] vec)
int slu_PrintInt10(java.lang.String name, int len, int[] x)
int check_perm(java.lang.String what, int n, int[] perm)
public void dgssv(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgssv(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void get_perm_c(int ispec, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c)
void getata(int m, int n, int nz, int[] colptr, int[] rowind, int[] atanz, int[][] ata_colptr, int[][] ata_rowind)
void at_plus_a(int n, int nz, int[] colptr, int[] rowind, int[] bnz, int[][] b_colptr, int[][] b_rowind)
void get_colamd(int m, int n, int nnz, int[] colptr, int[] rowind, int[] perm_c)
int t_add(int a, int b, int[] ok)
int t_mult(int a, int k, int[] ok)
int COLAMD_C(int n_col, int[] ok)
int COLAMD_R(int n_row, int[] ok)
public int COLAMD_recommended(int nnz, int n_row, int n_col)
public void COLAMD_set_defaults(double[] knobs)
public int COLAMD_MAIN(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int[] A, int[] p, double[] knobs, int[] stats)
private int init_rows_cols(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] p, int[] stats)
int DENSE_DEGREE(double alpha, int n)
private void init_scoring(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] head, double[] knobs, int[] p_n_row2, int[] p_n_col2, int[] p_max_deg)
private void debug_structures(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int n_col2)
private void debug_deg_lists(int n_row, int n_col, int[] A, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] head, int min_score, int should, int max_deg)
private int find_ordering(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] head, int n_col2, int max_deg, int pfree, int aggressive)
private int clear_mark(int tag_mark, int max_mark, int n_row, int[] A, int Alen, int Col_size)
private void debug_matrix(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A)
private int garbage_collection(int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int pfree_index)
private void debug_mark(int n_row, int[] A, int Alen, int Col_size, int tag_mark, int max_mark)
private void detect_super_cols(int n_col, int Alen, int Col_size, int[] A, int[] head, int row_start, int row_length)
private void order_children(int n_col, int[] A, int Alen, int[] p)
void get_metis(int n, int bnz, int[] b_colptr, int[] b_rowind, int[] perm_c)
void sp_preorder(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] etree, SuperLU.SuperMatrix AC)
int sp_symetree(int[] acolst, int[] acolend, int[] arow, int n, int[] parent)
int make_set(int i, int[] pp)
int[] mxCallocInt(int n)
int find(int i, int[] pp)
int link(int s, int t, int[] pp)
int sp_coletree(int[] acolst, int[] acolend, int[] arow, int nr, int nc, int[] parent)
int[] TreePostorder(int n, int[] parent)
void nr_etdfs(int n, int[] parent, int[] first_kid, int[] next_kid, int[] post, int postnum)
void etdfs(int v, int[] first_kid, int[] next_kid, int[] post, int[] postnum)
void dgstrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, double[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgstrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
int dLUMemInit(SuperLU.fact_t fact, double[] work, int lwork, int m, int n, int annz, int panel_size, double fill_ratio, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, int[][] iwork, double[][] dwork)
int zLUMemInit(SuperLU.fact_t fact, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, int m, int n, int annz, int panel_size, double fill_ratio, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, int[][] iwork, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dwork)
int TempSpace(int m, int w)
void dSetupSpace(double[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void zSetupSpace(SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
double[] dexpand(int[] prev_len, SuperLU.MemType type, int len_to_copy, int keep_prev, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zexpand(int[] prev_len, SuperLU.MemType type, int len_to_copy, int keep_prev, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int[] iexpand(int[] prev_len, SuperLU.MemType type, int len_to_copy, int keep_prev, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
float Reduce(float alpha)
void copy_mem_double(int howmany, double[] old, double[] newm)
void copy_mem_doublecomplex(int howmany, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] old, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] newm)
void copy_mem_int(int howmany, int[] old, int[] newm)
int dmemory_usage(int nzlmax, int nzumax, int nzlumax, int n)
int zmemory_usage(int nzlmax, int nzumax, int nzlumax, int n)
int dLUWorkInit(int m, int n, int panel_size, int[][] iworkptr, double[][] dworkptr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int zLUWorkInit(int m, int n, int panel_size, int[][] iworkptr, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dworkptr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void SetIWork(int m, int n, int panel_size, int[] iworkptr, int[][] segrep, int[][] parent, int[][] xplore, int[][] repfnz, int[][] panel_lsub, int[][] xprune, int[][] marker)
void dSetRWork(int m, int panel_size, double[][] dworkptr, double[][] dense, double[][] tempv)
void zSetRWork(int m, int panel_size, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dworkptr, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] tempv)
void heap_relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end)
void relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end)
int dsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] xprune, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int zsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] xprune, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int dLUMemXpand(int jcol, int next, SuperLU.MemType mem_type, int[] maxlen, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int zLUMemXpand(int jcol, int next, SuperLU.MemType mem_type, int[] maxlen, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int dsnode_bmod(int jcol, int jsupno, int fsupc, double[] dense, double[] tempv, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int zsnode_bmod(int jcol, int jsupno, int fsupc, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] tempv, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int dpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int[] iperm_r, int[] iperm_c, int[] pivrow, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int zpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int[] iperm_r, int[] iperm_c, int[] pivrow, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
void dpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, double[] dense, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void zpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void dpanel_bmod(int m, int w, int jcol, int nseg, double[] dense, double[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
void zpanel_bmod(int m, int w, int jcol, int nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int dcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int zcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int dcolumn_bmod(int jcol, int nseg, double[] dense, double[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int fpanelc, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int zcolumn_bmod(int jcol, int nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] tempv, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int fpanelc, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int dcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, double[] dense, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int zcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void dpruneL(int jcol, int[] perm_r, int pivrow, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void zpruneL(int jcol, int[] perm_r, int pivrow, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] xprune, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void dLUWorkFree(int[] iwork, double[] dwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void zLUWorkFree(int[] iwork, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dwork, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int genmmd_(int[] neqns, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] invp, int[] perm, int[] delta, int[] dhead, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker, int[] maxint, int[] nofsub)
int slu_mmdint_(int[] neqns, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] dhead, int[] dforw, int[] dbakw, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker)
int slu_mmdnum_(int[] neqns, int[] perm, int[] invp, int[] qsize)
int slu_mmdelm_(int[] mdnode, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] dhead, int[] dforw, int[] dbakw, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker, int[] maxint, int[] tag)
int slu_mmdupd_(int[] ehead, int[] neqns, int[] xadj, int[] adjncy, int[] delta, int[] mdeg, int[] dhead, int[] dforw, int[] dbakw, int[] qsize, int[] llist, int[] marker, int[] maxint, int[] tag)
void dgstrs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgstrs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void dprint_soln(int n, int nrhs, double[] soln)
void zprint_soln(int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] soln)
int dQuerySpace(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage)
int zQuerySpace(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage)
void dgssvx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgssvx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
double dmach(char cmach)
void dgsequ(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double[] rowcnd, double[] colcnd, double[] amax, int[] info)
void zgsequ(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double[] rowcnd, double[] colcnd, double[] amax, int[] info)
void dlaqgs(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double rowcnd, double colcnd, double amax, char[] equed)
void zlaqgs(SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] r, double[] c, double rowcnd, double colcnd, double amax, char[] equed)
double dPivotGrowth(int ncols, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U)
double zPivotGrowth(int ncols, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U)
double dlangs(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
double zlangs(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A)
void dgscon(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double anorm, double[] rcond, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgscon(char norm, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double anorm, double[] rcond, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
int dlacon2_(int n, double[] v, double[] x, int[] isgn, double[] est, int[] kase, int[] isave)
double d_sign(double a, double b)
int zlacon2_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] v, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, double[] est, int[] kase, int[] isave)
public void test_idamax()
public void test12()
int idamax_(int n, double[] dx, int incx)
int izamax_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx)
public void test_dasum()
double dasum_(int n, double[] dx, int incx)
public void test_dcopy()
int dcopy_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
int zcopy_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
void dgsrfs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, char equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgsrfs(SuperLU.trans_t trans, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, char equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] ferr, double[] berr, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
public void test_daxpy()
int daxpy_(int n, double da, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
int zaxpy_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex za, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
int dger_(int m, int n, double alpha, double[] x, int incx, double[] y, int incy, double[] a, int lda)
public void test_dnrm2()
double dnrm2_(int n, double[] x, int incx)
int dgemv_(char trans, int m, int n, double alpha, double[] a, int lda, double[] x, int incx, double beta, double[] y, int incy)
int zgemv_(char trans, int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
void dallocateA(int n, int nnz, double[][] a, int[][] asub, int[][] xa)
void zallocateA(int n, int nnz, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] a, int[][] asub, int[][] xa)
public void test_dscal()
int dscal_(int n, double da, double[] dx, int incx)
int zscal_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex za, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx)
public void test_ddot()
double ddot_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
void zdotc_(SuperLU.doublecomplex ret_val, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
int dsymv_(char uplo, int n, double alpha, double[] a, int lda, double[] x, int incx, double beta, double[] y, int incy)
int zsymv_(char uplo, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
int dsyr2_(char uplo, int n, double alpha, double[] x, int incx, double[] y, int incy, double[] a, int lda)
public void test_drot()
int drot_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy, double c, double s)
public int dlinsol()
public int zlinsol()
int dgst01(int m, int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, double[] resid)
int zgst01(int m, int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, double[] resid)
int dgst02(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int m, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] x, int ldx, double[] b, int ldb, double[] resid)
int zgst02(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int m, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] b, int ldb, double[] resid)
int dgst04(int n, int nrhs, double[] x, int ldx, double[] xact, int ldxact, double rcond, double[] resid)
int zgst04(int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] xact, int ldxact, double rcond, double[] resid)
int dgst07(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] b, int ldb, double[] x, int ldx, double[] xact, int ldxact, double[] ferr, double[] berr, double[] reslts)
int zgst07(SuperLU.trans_t trans, int n, int nrhs, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] b, int ldb, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int ldx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] xact, int ldxact, double[] ferr, double[] berr, double[] reslts)
int sp_dconvert(int m, int n, double[] A, int lda, int kl, int ku, double[] a, int[] asub, int[] xa, int[] nnz)
int sp_zconvert(int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] A, int lda, int kl, int ku, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int[] asub, int[] xa, int[] nnz)
int dlatb4_slu(java.lang.String path, int imat, int m, int n, char[] type, int[] kl, int[] ku, double[] anorm, int[] mode, double[] cndnum, char[] dist)
int zlatb4_slu(java.lang.String path, int imat, int m, int n, char[] type, int[] kl, int[] ku, double[] anorm, int[] mode, double[] cndnum, char[] dist)
int dlabad_slu(double[] small, double[] large)
int dlatm1_slu(int mode, double cond, int irsign, int idist, int[] iseed, double[] d, int n, int[] info)
double pow_di(double ap, int bp)
double dlaran_slu(int[] iseed)
int dlarnv_slu(int idist, int[] iseed, int n, double[] x)
int zlarnv_slu(int idist, int[] iseed, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x)
int dlaruv_slu(int[] iseed, int n, double[] x)
int dlatms_slu(int m, int n, char dist, int[] iseed, char sym, double[] d, int mode, double cond, double dmax__, int kl, int ku, char pack, double[] a, int lda, double[] work, int[] info)
int zlatms_slu(int m, int n, char dist, int[] iseed, char sym, double[] d, int mode, double cond, double dmax__, int kl, int ku, char pack, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
int dlagge_slu(int m, int n, int kl, int ku, double[] d, double[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, double[] work, int[] info)
int zlagge_slu(int m, int n, int kl, int ku, double[] d, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
double dlarnd_slu(int idist, int[] iseed)
void zlarnd_slu(SuperLU.doublecomplex ret_val, int idist, int[] iseed)
int dlaset_slu(char uplo, int m, int n, double alpha, double beta, double[] a, int lda)
int zlaset_slu(char uplo, int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda)
int dlartg_slu(double f, double g, double[] cs, double[] sn, double[] r)
int zlartg_slu(SuperLU.doublecomplex f, SuperLU.doublecomplex g, double[] cs, SuperLU.doublecomplex sn, SuperLU.doublecomplex r)
int dlagsy_slu(int n, int k, double[] d, double[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, double[] work, int[] info)
int zlagsy_slu(int n, int k, double[] d, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
int dlarot_slu(boolean lrows, boolean lleft, boolean lright, int nl, double c, double s, double[] a, int lda, double[] xleft, double[] xright)
int zlarot_slu(boolean lrows, boolean lleft, boolean lright, int nl, SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex s, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex xleft, SuperLU.doublecomplex xright)
public void dtest_csh()
int ddrive(java.lang.String matrix_type, fp, int[] n)
public void ztest_csh()
int zdrive(java.lang.String matrix_type, fp, int[] n)
public void dblat2()
public void zblat2()
private void DMVCH(char TRANS, int M, int N, double ALPHA, double[][] A, int NMAX, double[] X, int INCX, double BETA, double[] Y, int INCY, double[] YT, double[] G, double[] YY, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
private double ABS1(SuperLU.doublecomplex C)
private void ZMVCH(char TRANS, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, int INCX, SuperLU.doublecomplex BETA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, int INCY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
private boolean LDE(double[] RI, double[] RJ, int LR)
private boolean LZE(SuperLU.doublecomplex[] RI, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] RJ, int LR)
private void DCHKE(int ISNUM, java.lang.String SRNAMT, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHKE(int ISNUM, java.lang.String SRNAMT, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void CHKXER(java.lang.String SRNAMT, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void DCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NBET, double[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NBET, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void DMAKE(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, char DIAG, int M, int N, double[][] A, int NMAX, double[] AA, int LDA, int KL, int KU, boolean[] RESET, double TRANSL)
private void ZMAKE(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, char DIAG, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, int LDA, int KL, int KU, boolean[] RESET, SuperLU.doublecomplex TRANSL)
private double DBEG(boolean[] RESET)
private SuperLU.doublecomplex ZBEG(boolean[] RESET)
private boolean LDERES(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, int M, int N, double[][] AA, double[][] AS, int LDA)
private boolean LZERES(java.lang.String TYPE, char UPLO, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] AS, int LDA)
private void DREGR1(char TRANS, int M, int N, int LY, int KL, int KU, double ALPHA, double[][] A, int LDA, double[] X, int INCX, double BETA, double[] Y, int INCY, double[] YS)
private void DCHK2(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NBET, double[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHK2(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NBET, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BET, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void DCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] XT, double[] G, double[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NKB, int[] KB, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void DCHK4(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, double[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHK4(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void DCHK6(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[] X, double[] XX, double[] XS, double[] Y, double[] YY, double[] YS, double[] YT, double[] G, double[][] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHK6(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, int NTRA, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NINC, int[] INC, int NMAX, int INCMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] X, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] XS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] Y, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YY, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] YT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] Z, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
public void dtrsm(char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, double alpha, double[][] A, int lda, double[][] B, int ldb, int[] numdusolve, int[] numdlsolve)
This is a port of the 2/8/89 Blas routine DTRSM Original code written by: Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. dtrsm solves one of the matrix equations op(A)*X = alpha*B or X*op(A) = alpha*B, where alpha is a scalar, X and B are m by n matrices, A is a unit, or non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix and op(A) is one of op(A) = A or op(A) = A'. The matrix X is overwritten on B.- Parameters:
- input char On entry, side specifies whether op(A) appears on the left or right or X as follows: = 'L' or 'l' op(A)*X = alpha*B = 'R' or 'r' X*op(A) = alpha*Buplo
- input char On entry, uplo specifies whether the matrix A is an upper or lower triangular matrix as follows: = 'U' or 'u' A is an upper triangular matrix = 'L' or 'l' A is a lower triangular matrixtransa
- input char On entry, transa specifies the form of op(A) to be used in the matrix multiplication as follows: = 'N' or 'n' op(A) = A, 'T' or 't' op(A) = A', 'C' or 'c' op(A) = A'diag
- input char On entry, diag specifies whether or not A is unit triangular as follows: = 'U' or 'u' A is assumed to be unit triangular. = 'N' or 'n' A is not assumed to be unit triangular.m
- input int On entry, m specifies the number of rows of B. m must be at least zero.n
- input int On entry, n specifies the number of columns of B. n must be at least zero.alpha
- input double Specified scalar. When alpha is zero then A is not referenced and B need not be set before entry.A
- input double[][] of dimension lda by k, where k is m when side = 'L' or 'l' and is n when side = 'R' or 'r'. Before entry with uplo = 'U' or 'u', the leading k by k upper triangular part of the array A must contain the upper triangular matrix and the strictly lower part of A is not referenced. Before entry with uplo = 'L' or 'l', the leading k by k lower triangular part of the array A must contain the lower triangular matrix and the strictly upper triangular part of A is not referenced. Note that when diag = 'U' or 'u', the diagonal elements of A are not referenced either, but are assumed to be unity.lda
- input int On entry, lda specifies the first dimension of A as declared in the calling (sub) program. When side = 'L' or 'l', then lda must be at least max(1,m). When side = 'R' or 'r', then lda must be at least max(1,n).B
- input/output double[][] of dimension ldb by n. Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array B must contain the right-hand side matrix B, and on exit is overwritten by the solution matrix X.ldb
- input int On entry, ldb specifies the first dimension of B as declared in the calling (sub) program. ldb must be at least max(1,m).
private void ZTRSM(char SIDE, char UPLO, char TRANSA, char DIAG, int M, int N, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int LDA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, int LDB, int[] numzusolve, int[] numzlsolve)
public void dblat3()
public void zblat3()
private void DMMCH(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int KK, double ALPHA, double[][] A, int LDA, double[][] B, int LDB, double BETA, double[][] C, int LDC, double[] CT, double[] G, double[][] CC, int LDCC, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
private void ZMMCH(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int KK, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int LDA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, int LDB, SuperLU.doublecomplex BETA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, int LDC, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] CC, int LDCC, double EPS, double[] ERR, boolean[] FATAL, boolean MV)
private void DCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NBET, double[] BET, int NMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[][] B, double[] BB, double[] BS, double[][] C, double[] CC, double[] CS, double[] CT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void ZCHK1(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NBET, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BET, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BB, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CC, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CT, double[] G, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK)
private void DCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, double[] ALF, int NMAX, double[][] A, double[] AA, double[] AS, double[][] B, double[] BB, double[] BS, double[] CT, double[] G, double[][] C, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK, int[] numdusolve, int[] numdlsolve)
private void ZCHK3(java.lang.String SNAME, double EPS, double THRESH, boolean TRACE, boolean REWI, boolean[] FATAL, int NIDIM, int[] IDIM, int NALF, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] ALF, int NMAX, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] AS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BB, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] BS, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CT, double[] G, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, int[] INFOT, boolean[] LERR, boolean[] OK, int[] numzusolve, int[] numzlsolve)
public void dgemm(char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, double alpha, double[][] A, int lda, double[][] B, int ldb, double beta, double[][] C, int ldc)
This is a port of the 2/8/89 Blas routine Original version written by: Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. dgemm performs one of the matrix-matrix operations C = alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*C, where op(X) is one of op(X) = X or op(X) = X', alpha and beta are scalars, and A, B, and C are matrices, with op(A) an m by k matrix, op(B) a k by n matrix, and C an m by n matrix.- Parameters:
- input char On entry, transa specifies the form of op(A) to be used in the matrix multiplication as follows:' = 'N' or 'n', op(A) = A. = 'T' or 't', op(A) = A'. = 'C' or 'c', op(A) = A'.transb
- input char On entry, transb specifies the form of op(B) to be used in the matrix multiplication as follows: = 'N' or 'n', op(B) = B. = 'T' or 't', op(B) = B'. = 'C' or 'c', op(B) = B'.m
- input int On entry, m specifies the number of rows of the matrix op(A) and of the matrix C. m must be at least zero.n
- input int On entry, n specifies the number of columns of the matrix op(B) and the number of columns of the matrix C. n must be at least zero.k
- input int On entry, k specifies the number of columns of the matrix op(A) and the number of rows of the matrix op(B). k must be at least zero.alpha
- input double specified scalarA
- input double[][] dimension lda by ka, where ka is k when transa = 'N' or 'n', and is m otherwise. Before entry with transa = 'N' or 'n', the leading m by k part of the array A must contain the matrix A, otherwise the leading k by m part of the array A must contain the matrix Alda
- input int On entry, lda specifies the first dimension of A as declared in the calling (sub) program. When transa = 'N' or 'n' then lda must be at least max(1,m), otherwise lda must be at least max(1,k)B
- input double[][] dimension ldb by kb, where kb is n when transb = 'N' or 'n', and is k otherwise. Before entry with transb = 'N' or 'n', the leading k by n part of the array B must contain the matrix B, otherwise the leading n by k part of the array B must contain the matrix Bldb
- input int On entry, ldb specifies the first dimension of B as declared in the calling (sub) program. When transb = 'N' or 'n' then ldb must be at least max(1,k), otherwise ldb must be at least max(1,n).beta
- input double specified scalar When beta is supplied as zero, then C need not be set on input.C
- input/output double[][] dimension ldc by n. Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array C must contain the matrix C, except when beta is zero, in which case C need not be set on entry. On exit, the array C is overwritten by the m by n matrix (alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*C).ldc
- input int On entry, ldc specifies the first dimension of C as declared in the calling (sub) program. ldc must be at least max(1,m).
private void ZGEMM(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int K, SuperLU.doublecomplex ALPHA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] A, int LDA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] B, int LDB, SuperLU.doublecomplex BETA, SuperLU.doublecomplex[][] C, int LDC)
private void dgeequ(int m, int n, double[][] A, int lda, double[] r, double[] c, double[] rowcnd, double[] colcnd, double[] amax, int[] info)
public void DCHKEQ()
public void superlu()
public int dlinsol1()
public int zlinsol1()
public int dlinsolx(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int zlinsolx(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int dlinsolx1(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int zlinsolx1(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int dlinsolx2(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int zlinsolx2(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int dlinsolx3(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public int zlinsolx3(int lwork, double u, SuperLU.yes_no_t equil, SuperLU.trans_t trans)
public void z_add(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
public void z_sub(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
public void zd_mult(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, double b)
public void zz_mult(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
public void zz_conj(SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
public boolean z_eq(SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
public void z_div(SuperLU.doublecomplex c, SuperLU.doublecomplex a, SuperLU.doublecomplex b)
public double z_abs(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
public double z_abs1(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
public void z_exp(SuperLU.doublecomplex r, SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
public void d_cnjg(SuperLU.doublecomplex r, SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
public double d_imag(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
public SuperLU.doublecomplex z_sgn(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
public SuperLU.doublecomplex z_sqrt(SuperLU.doublecomplex z)
int izmax1_slu(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] cx, int incx)
double dzsum1_slu(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] cx, int incx)
double dzasum_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx)
int zgerc_(int m, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda)
double dznrm2_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx)
int zlacgv_slu(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx)
int zlaghe_slu(int n, int k, double[] d, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, int[] iseed, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int[] info)
int zher2_(char uplo, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda)
int zhemv_(char uplo, int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex alpha, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] a, int lda, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] x, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex beta, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] y, int incy)
public void zblat1()
private void HEADER(int ICASE)
private void CHECK1(double SFAC, int ICASE, int[] INCX, int[] INCY, int[] N, boolean[] PASS)
private void ITEST1(int ICOMP, int ITRUE, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
private void CTEST(int LEN, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CCOMP, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CTRUE, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] CSIZE, double SFAC, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
private void STEST(int LEN, double[] SCOMP, double[] STRUE, double[] SSIZE, double SFAC, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
private void STEST1(double SCOMP1, double STRUE1, double[] SSIZE, double SFAC, int ICASE, int INCX, int INCY, int N, boolean[] PASS)
private void ZB1NRM2(int N, int INCX, double THRESH)
private void CHECK2(double SFAC, int ICASE, int[] INCX, int[] INCY, int[] N, boolean[] PASS)
int zswap_(int n, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zx, int incx, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] zy, int incy)
void dgsisx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, double[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgsisx(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, int[] etree, char[] equed, double[] R, double[] C, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, SuperLU.SuperMatrix B, SuperLU.SuperMatrix X, double[] recip_pivot_growth, double[] rcond, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
int ilu_dQuerySpace(SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.mem_usage_t mem_usage)
void dgsitrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, double[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void zgsitrf(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int relax, int panel_size, int[] etree, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] work, int lwork, int[] perm_c, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.SuperMatrix L, SuperLU.SuperMatrix U, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat, int[] info)
void ilu_heap_relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end, int[] relax_fsupc)
void ilu_relax_snode(int n, int[] et, int relax_columns, int[] descendants, int[] relax_end, int[] relax_fsupc)
int mark_relax(int n, int[] relax_end, int[] relax_fsupc, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] asub, int[] marker)
int ilu_ddrop_row(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, int first, int last, double drop_tol, int quota, int[] nnzLj, double[] fill_tol, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] dwork, double[] dwork2, int lastc)
int ilu_zdrop_row(SuperLU.superlu_options_t options, int first, int last, double drop_tol, int quota, int[] nnzLj, double[] fill_tol, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] dwork, double[] dwork2, int lastc)
double dqselect(int n, double[] A, int k)
int dswap_(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
int ilu_dsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int ilu_zsnode_dfs(int jcol, int kcol, int[] asub, int[] xa_begin, int[] xa_end, int[] marker, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int SGN(double x)
int ilu_dpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int diagind, int[] swap, int[] iswap, int[] marker, int[] pivrow, double fill_tol, SuperLU.milu_t milu, double drop_sum, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
int ilu_zpivotL(int jcol, double u, boolean[] usepr, int[] perm_r, int diagind, int[] swap, int[] iswap, int[] marker, int[] pivrow, double fill_tol, SuperLU.milu_t milu, SuperLU.doublecomplex drop_sum, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, SuperLU.SuperLUStat_t stat)
void ilu_dpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, double[] dense, double[] amax, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
void ilu_zpanel_dfs(int m, int w, int jcol, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, double[] amax, int[] panel_lsub, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int ilu_dcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int ilu_zcolumn_dfs(int m, int jcol, int[] perm_r, int[] nseg, int[] lsub_col, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] marker, int[] parent, int[] xplore, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu)
int ilu_dcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, double[] dense, int drop_rule, SuperLU.milu_t milu, double drop_tol, int quota, double[] sum, int[] nnzUj, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] work)
int ilu_zcopy_to_ucol(int jcol, int nseg, int[] segrep, int[] repfnz, int[] perm_r, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] dense, int drop_rule, SuperLU.milu_t milu, double drop_tol, int quota, SuperLU.doublecomplex sum, int[] nnzUj, SuperLU.GlobalLU_t Glu, double[] work)
boolean dfgmr(int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, double[] rhs, double[] sol, double tol, int im, int[] itmax, fits)
boolean zfgmr(int n, SuperLU.SuperMatrix A, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] rhs, SuperLU.doublecomplex[] sol, double tol, int im, int[] itmax, fits)
int dfill_diag(int n, SuperLU.NCformat Astore)
int zfill_diag(int n, SuperLU.NCformat Astore)
public void ditersol()
public void zitersol()
public void ditersol1()
public void zitersol1()