Class SVD
- java.lang.Object
- gov.nih.mipav.model.structures.jama.SVD
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class SVD extends java.lang.Object implements
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description private double
(package private) GeneralizedEigenvalue
(package private) GeneralizedInverse2
private int[]
private ViewUserInterface
Common variables in testing routines.
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description SVD()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
DBDSDC(char UPLO, char COMPQ, int N, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[] Q, int[] IQ, double[] WORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
(package private) int
DCOPY(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
private void
ddrvbd(int nsizes, int[] mm, int[] nn, int ntypes, boolean[] dotype, int[] iseed, double thresh, double[][] A, int lda, double[][] U, int ldu, double[][] VT, int ldvt, double[][] ASAV, double[][] USAV, double[][] VTSAV, double[] s, double[] ssav, double[] e, double[] work, int lwork, int[] iwork, int[] info)
This routine is an extraction from the FORTRAN program version 3.4.1 DCHKEE of the code needed to drive ddrvbd in order to run ddrvbd in order to test the singular value decomposition drivers dgesvd and dgesdd.private void
dgesdd(char JOBZ, int M, int N, double[][] A, int LDA, double[] S, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[] WORK, int LWORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
dgesvd(char jobu, char jobvt, int m, int n, double[][] A, int lda, double[] s, double[][] U, int ldu, double[][] VT, int ldvt, double[] work, int lwork, int[] info)
private void
DLAED6(int KNITER, boolean ORGATI, double RHO, double[] D, double[] Z, double FINIT, double[] TAU, int[] INFO)
private void
DLAMRG(int N1, int N2, double[] A, int DTRD1, int DTRD2, int[] INDEX)
private void
DLASD0(int N, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, int SMLSIZ, int[] IWORK, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD1(int NL, int NR, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] ALPHA, double[] BETA, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, int[] IDXQ, int[] IWORK, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD2(int NL, int NR, int SQRE, int[] K, double[] D, double[] Z, double ALPHA, double BETA, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[] DSIGMA, double[][] U2, int LDU2, double[][] VT2, int LDVT2, int[] IDXP, int[] IDX, int[] IDXC, int[] IDXQ, int[] COLTYP, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD3(int NL, int NR, int SQRE, int K, double[] D, double[][] Q, int LDQ, double[] DSIGMA, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] U2, int LDU2, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[][] VT2, int LDVT2, int[] IDXC, int[] CTOT, double[] Z, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD4(int N, int I, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] DELTA, double RHO, double[] SIGMA, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD5(int I, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] DELTA, double RHO, double[] DSIGMA, double[] WORK)
private void
DLASD6(int ICOMPQ, int NL, int NR, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] VF, double[] VL, double[] ALPHA, double[] BETA, int[] IDXQ, int[] PERM, int[] GIVPTR, int[][] GIVCOL, int LDGCOL, double[][] GIVNUM, int LDGNUM, double[][] POLES, double[] DIFL, double[][] DIFR, double[] Z, int[] K, double[] C, double[] S, double[] WORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD7(int ICOMPQ, int NL, int NR, int SQRE, int[] K, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] ZW, double[] VF, double[] VFW, double[] VL, double[] VLW, double ALPHA, double BETA, double[] DSIGMA, int[] IDX, int[] IDXP, int[] IDXQ, int[] PERM, int[] GIVPTR, int[][] GIVCOL, int LDGCOL, double[][] GIVNUM, int LDGNUM, double[] C, double[] S, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASD8(int ICOMPQ, int K, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] VF, double[] VL, double[] DIFL, double[][] DIFR, int LDDIFR, double[] DSIGMA, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASDA(int ICOMPQ, int SMLSIZ, int N, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int[] K, double[][] DIFL, double[][] DIFR, double[][] Z, double[][] POLES, int[] GIVPTR, int[][] GIVCOL, int LDGCOL, int[][] PERM, double[][] GIVNUM, double[] C, double[] S, double[] WORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASDQ(char UPLO, int SQRE, int N, int NCVT, int NRU, int NCC, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] C, int LDC, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void
DLASDT(int N, int[] LVL, int[] ND, int[] INODE, int[] NDIML, int[] NDIMR, int MSUB)
private void
dort03(char rc, int mu, int mv, int n, int k, double[][] U, int ldu, double[][] V, int ldv, double[] work, int lwork, double[] result, int[] info)
(package private) double
private double
log2(double x)
SIGN(double A, double B)
xlaenv(int ispec, int nvalue)
This is a port of version 3.1 LAPACK auxiliary routine XLAENV.
Field Detail
GeneralizedEigenvalue ge
GeneralizedInverse2 gi
private ViewUserInterface UI
Common variables in testing routines.
private int[] iparms
private double epsilon
Method Detail
public void ddrvbd_test()
This routine is an extraction from the FORTRAN program version 3.4.1 DCHKEE of the code needed to drive ddrvbd in order to run ddrvbd in order to test the singular value decomposition drivers dgesvd and dgesdd. Numerical values were obtained from the datafile. Original DCHKEE created by Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, University of Colorado Denver, and NAG Ltd., April, 2012 Always see All 2660.0 dgesvd tests passed by being less than the threshold If DLASD0 uses if (N <= SMLSIZ) to call DLASDQ rather than divide and conquer see 96 out of 2660 dgesdd tests failed by being >= the threshold. If DLASDO uses if (true) so that DLASDQ is always called instead of divide and conquer see All 2660.0 dgesdd tests passed by being less than the threshold.
private void derred()
private void ddrvbd(int nsizes, int[] mm, int[] nn, int ntypes, boolean[] dotype, int[] iseed, double thresh, double[][] A, int lda, double[][] U, int ldu, double[][] VT, int ldvt, double[][] ASAV, double[][] USAV, double[][] VTSAV, double[] s, double[] ssav, double[] e, double[] work, int lwork, int[] iwork, int[] info)
private void dort03(char rc, int mu, int mv, int n, int k, double[][] U, int ldu, double[][] V, int ldv, double[] work, int lwork, double[] result, int[] info)
public void dgesdd(char JOBZ, int M, int N, double[][] A, int LDA, double[] S, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[] WORK, int LWORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
public void DBDSDC(char UPLO, char COMPQ, int N, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[] Q, int[] IQ, double[] WORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
private double log2(double x)
private void DLASDA(int ICOMPQ, int SMLSIZ, int N, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int[] K, double[][] DIFL, double[][] DIFR, double[][] Z, double[][] POLES, int[] GIVPTR, int[][] GIVCOL, int LDGCOL, int[][] PERM, double[][] GIVNUM, double[] C, double[] S, double[] WORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD6(int ICOMPQ, int NL, int NR, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] VF, double[] VL, double[] ALPHA, double[] BETA, int[] IDXQ, int[] PERM, int[] GIVPTR, int[][] GIVCOL, int LDGCOL, double[][] GIVNUM, int LDGNUM, double[][] POLES, double[] DIFL, double[][] DIFR, double[] Z, int[] K, double[] C, double[] S, double[] WORK, int[] IWORK, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD7(int ICOMPQ, int NL, int NR, int SQRE, int[] K, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] ZW, double[] VF, double[] VFW, double[] VL, double[] VLW, double ALPHA, double BETA, double[] DSIGMA, int[] IDX, int[] IDXP, int[] IDXQ, int[] PERM, int[] GIVPTR, int[][] GIVCOL, int LDGCOL, double[][] GIVNUM, int LDGNUM, double[] C, double[] S, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD8(int ICOMPQ, int K, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] VF, double[] VL, double[] DIFL, double[][] DIFR, int LDDIFR, double[] DSIGMA, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD0(int N, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, int SMLSIZ, int[] IWORK, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD1(int NL, int NR, int SQRE, double[] D, double[] ALPHA, double[] BETA, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, int[] IDXQ, int[] IWORK, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD3(int NL, int NR, int SQRE, int K, double[] D, double[][] Q, int LDQ, double[] DSIGMA, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] U2, int LDU2, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[][] VT2, int LDVT2, int[] IDXC, int[] CTOT, double[] Z, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD4(int N, int I, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] DELTA, double RHO, double[] SIGMA, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
private void DLAED6(int KNITER, boolean ORGATI, double RHO, double[] D, double[] Z, double FINIT, double[] TAU, int[] INFO)
private void DLASD5(int I, double[] D, double[] Z, double[] DELTA, double RHO, double[] DSIGMA, double[] WORK)
private void DLAMRG(int N1, int N2, double[] A, int DTRD1, int DTRD2, int[] INDEX)
private void DLASD2(int NL, int NR, int SQRE, int[] K, double[] D, double[] Z, double ALPHA, double BETA, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[] DSIGMA, double[][] U2, int LDU2, double[][] VT2, int LDVT2, int[] IDXP, int[] IDX, int[] IDXC, int[] IDXQ, int[] COLTYP, int[] INFO)
private void DLASDT(int N, int[] LVL, int[] ND, int[] INODE, int[] NDIML, int[] NDIMR, int MSUB)
private void DLASDQ(char UPLO, int SQRE, int N, int NCVT, int NRU, int NCC, double[] D, double[] E, double[][] VT, int LDVT, double[][] U, int LDU, double[][] C, int LDC, double[] WORK, int[] INFO)
int DCOPY(int n, double[] dx, int incx, double[] dy, int incy)
public double SIGN(double A, double B)
public void dgesvd(char jobu, char jobvt, int m, int n, double[][] A, int lda, double[] s, double[][] U, int ldu, double[][] VT, int ldvt, double[] work, int lwork, int[] info)
public void xlaenv(int ispec, int nvalue)
This is a port of version 3.1 LAPACK auxiliary routine XLAENV. Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. November 2006 .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ISPEC, NVALUE .. Purpose ======= XLAENV sets certain machine- and problem-dependent quantities which will later be retrieved by ILAENV. Arguments ========= ISPEC (input) INTEGER Specifies the parameter to be set in the COMMON array IPARMS. = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked algorithm will give the best performance. = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine should be used; if the usable block size is less than this value, an unblocked routine should be used. = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for N less than this value, an unblocked routine should be used) = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsymmetric eigenvalue routines = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used; rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m, where k is given by ILAENV(2,...) and m by ILAENV(5,...) = 6: the crossover point for the SVD (when reducing an m by n matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds this value, a QR factorization is used first to reduce the matrix to a triangular form) = 7: the number of processors = 8: another crossover point, for the multishift QR and QZ methods for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. = 9: maximum size of the subproblems at the bottom of the computation tree in the divide-and-conquer algorithm (used by xGELSD and xGESDD) =10: ieee NaN arithmetic can be trusted not to trap =11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap NVALUE (input) INTEGER The value of the parameter specified by ISPEC.