Class VOIStatisticalProperties

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class VOIStatisticalProperties
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements VOIStatisticList
    $Logfile: /mipav/src/gov/nih/mipav/model/structures/ $ $Revision: 4 $ $Date: 7/27/04 1:42p $
    • Field Detail

      • data

        private java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> data
        The hashtable of statistics.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VOIStatisticalProperties

        public VOIStatisticalProperties()
        Creates a new VOIStatisticalProperties object.
    • Method Detail

      • getTotalStatistic

        public java.lang.Object getTotalStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic)
        Gets the total statistics for all elements of the VOIs that are included in this properties object. For example, if statistics for every slice have been calculated, this method should be used to store the total of this statistic on all slices.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        The calculated statistic
      • setTotalStatistic

        public void setTotalStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                      java.lang.Object statisticValue)
        Stores the total statistics for all elements of the VOIs that are included in this properties object. For example, if statistics for every slice have been calculated, this method should be used to store the total of this statistic on all slices.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        statisticValue - The value of the calculated statistic
      • getSliceStatistic

        public java.lang.Object getSliceStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                                  int slice)
        Gets the statistic for all the contours of a VOI that exist on a particular slice.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        slice - The slice that the contours exist on
        The value of the calculated statistic
      • setSliceStatistic

        public void setSliceStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                      int slice,
                                      java.lang.Object statisticValue)
        Stores the statistic for all the contours of a VOI that exist on a particular slice.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        slice - The slice that the contours exist on
        statisticValue - The value of the calculated statistic
      • getContourStatistic

        public java.lang.Object getContourStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                                    java.lang.String contourLabel)
        Gets the statistic for a particular contour of a VOI without reference to the slice a contour may exist on.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        contourLabel - The contour that this statistic relates to
        The value of the calculated statistic
      • setContourStatistic

        public void setContourStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                        java.lang.String contourLabel,
                                        java.lang.Object statisticValue)
        Stores the statistic for a particular contour of a VOI without reference to the slice a contour may exist on.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        contourLabel - The contour that this statistic relates to
        statisticValue - The value of the calculated statistic
      • getSliceContourStatistic

        public java.lang.Object getSliceContourStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                                         int slice,
                                                         java.lang.String contourLabel)
        Gets the statistic for a particular contour on a particular slice of a VOI.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        slice - The image slice that this statistic relate to
        contourLabel - The contour that this statistic relates to
        The value of the calculated statistic
      • setSliceContourStatistic

        public void setSliceContourStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                             int slice,
                                             java.lang.String contourLabel,
                                             java.lang.Object statisticValue)
        Stores the statistic for a particular contour on a particular slice of a VOI.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        slice - The image slice that this statistic relate to
        contourLabel - The contour that this statistic relates to
        statisticValue - The value of the calculated statistic
      • getVOIStatistic

        public java.lang.Object getVOIStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic)
        Gets the statistic for the whole VOI.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        The value of the calculated statistic
      • setVOIStatistic

        public void setVOIStatistic​(java.lang.String statistic,
                                    java.lang.Object statisticValue)
        Stores the statistic for the whole VOI.
        statistic - The statistic that has been calculated
        statisticValue - The value of the calculated statistic
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(java.lang.String string,
                                java.lang.Object value)
      • getProperty

        public java.lang.String getProperty​(java.lang.Object key)