Class MetadataExtractor.FujifilmMakernoteDescriptor

  • Enclosing class:

    public class MetadataExtractor.FujifilmMakernoteDescriptor
    extends MetadataExtractor.TagDescriptor<MetadataExtractor.FujifilmMakernoteDirectory>
    Provides human-readable string representations of tag values stored in a MetadataExtractor.FujifilmMakernoteDirectory.

    Fujifilm added their Makernote tag from the Year 2000's models (e.g.Finepix1400, Finepix4700). It uses IFD format and start from ASCII character 'FUJIFILM', and next 4 bytes (value 0x000c) points the offset to first IFD entry.

     :0000: 46 55 4A 49 46 49 4C 4D-0C 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 :0000: FUJIFILM........
     :0010: 07 00 04 00 00 00 30 31-33 30 00 10 02 00 08 00 :0010: ......0130......
    There are two big differences to the other manufacturers.
    • Fujifilm's Exif data uses Motorola align, but Makernote ignores it and uses Intel align.
    • The other manufacturer's Makernote counts the "offset to data" from the first byte of TIFF header (same as the other IFD), but Fujifilm counts it from the first byte of Makernote itself.
    Drew Noakes
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription​(int tagType)
        Description copied from class: MetadataExtractor.TagDescriptor
        Returns a descriptive value of the specified tag for this image. Where possible, known values will be substituted here in place of the raw tokens actually kept in the metadata segment. If no substitution is available, the value provided by getString(tagType) will be returned.
        getDescription in class MetadataExtractor.TagDescriptor<MetadataExtractor.FujifilmMakernoteDirectory>
        tagType - the tag to find a description for
        a description of the image's value for the specified tag, or null if the tag hasn't been defined.
      • getMakernoteVersionDescription

        private java.lang.String getMakernoteVersionDescription()
      • getSharpnessDescription

        public java.lang.String getSharpnessDescription()
      • getWhiteBalanceDescription

        public java.lang.String getWhiteBalanceDescription()
      • getColorSaturationDescription

        public java.lang.String getColorSaturationDescription()
      • getToneDescription

        public java.lang.String getToneDescription()
      • getContrastDescription

        public java.lang.String getContrastDescription()
      • getNoiseReductionDescription

        public java.lang.String getNoiseReductionDescription()
      • getHighIsoNoiseReductionDescription

        public java.lang.String getHighIsoNoiseReductionDescription()
      • getFlashModeDescription

        public java.lang.String getFlashModeDescription()
      • getFlashExposureValueDescription

        public java.lang.String getFlashExposureValueDescription()
      • getMacroDescription

        public java.lang.String getMacroDescription()
      • getFocusModeDescription

        public java.lang.String getFocusModeDescription()
      • getSlowSyncDescription

        public java.lang.String getSlowSyncDescription()
      • getPictureModeDescription

        public java.lang.String getPictureModeDescription()
      • getExrAutoDescription

        public java.lang.String getExrAutoDescription()
      • getExrModeDescription

        public java.lang.String getExrModeDescription()
      • getAutoBracketingDescription

        public java.lang.String getAutoBracketingDescription()
      • getFinePixColorDescription

        public java.lang.String getFinePixColorDescription()
      • getBlurWarningDescription

        public java.lang.String getBlurWarningDescription()
      • getFocusWarningDescription

        public java.lang.String getFocusWarningDescription()
      • getAutoExposureWarningDescription

        public java.lang.String getAutoExposureWarningDescription()
      • getDynamicRangeDescription

        public java.lang.String getDynamicRangeDescription()
      • getFilmModeDescription

        public java.lang.String getFilmModeDescription()
      • getDynamicRangeSettingDescription

        public java.lang.String getDynamicRangeSettingDescription()