Class FileNIFTI

  • public class FileNIFTI
    extends FileBase
    The class reads and writes NIFTI files. The header is intended to be "mostly compatible" with the ANALYZE (TM) 7.5 file format. Most of the "unused" fields in that format have been taken, and some of the lesser-used fields have been co-opted for other purposes. NIFTI origin Author: William Gandler ( Date: 03-13-09 18:31 Are qoffset_x and srow_x[3] always meant to be an origin in the RL axis, qoffset_y and srow_y[3] always meant to be an origin in the AP axis, and are qoffset_z and srow_z[3] always meant to be an origin in the IS axis? Re: NIFTI origin Author: rick reynolds ( Date: 03-16-09 11:02 Hi William, Yes. The qoffset_{x,y,z} values are explicitly LR, PA, IS, as the transformations always describe resulting coordinates in LPI (sign and order) orientation. The sign of those coordinates corresponds to LPI being the negative directions. This is much like Dicom images, which give coordinates in RAI, regardless of the actual orientation of the data on disk. There, RAI are the negative directions (2 of them opposite that of NIfTI). These offset coordinates are applied after the transformation matrix is applied, and so they must be LR, PA and IS, respectively. The same applies for the sform matrix. See the section on "ORIENTATION AND LOCATION IN SPACE" from the nifti.h standard for details: - rick

    NIFTI can have 2 different transformation matrices associated with an image - one stored in the qform_code parameters and one stored in the sform_code parameters. While MIPAV separately stores axis orientation and matrix information, NIFTI does not store axis orientation information. NIFTI uses a routine to derive axis orientations from the upper 3 by 3 parameters of the 4 by 4 matrix. The 4 by 4 matrix in NIFTI transforms x,y,z indexes to (right, anterior, superior) coordinates where +x = Right, +y = Anterior, +z = Superior. In MIPAV the 4 by 4 matrix does not imply the axis orientations.

    For qform_code > 0, which should be the normal case the NIFTI definition is: [right] [R11 R12 R13] [ pixdim[1] * i] [qoffset_right] [anterior] = [R21 R22 R23] [ pixdim[2] * j] + [qoffset_anterior] [superior] [R31 R32 R33] [qfac * pixdim[3] * k] [qoffset_superior] Now in going to MIPAV 2 changes must occur. 1.) NIFTI is L->R and P->A while MIPAV is R->L and A->P, so this would cause R11, R12, R13, qoffset_right, R21, R22, R23, and qoffset_anterior to be multiplied by -1. 2.) R13, R23, and R33 are multiplied by qfac. So we in going to MIPAV we use -R11, -R12, -R13*qfac, -qoffset_right, -R21, -R22, -R23*qfac, -qoffset_anterior, and R33*qfac. If qform_code == 0 and sform_code > 0: x = srow_x[0]* i + srow_x[1] * j + srow_x[2] * k + srow_x[3] y = srow_y[0]* i + srow_y[1] * j + srow_y[2] * k + srow_y[3] z = srow_z[0]* i + srow_z[1] * j + srow_z[2] * k + srow_z[3] In going to MIPAV we use -srow_x[0], -srow_x[1] -srow_x[2], -srow_x[3], -srow_y[0], -srow_y[1] -srow_y[2], and -srow_y[3].

    MIPAV ANALYZE uses 6 for 16 bit unsigned short in the datatype field while NIFTI uses 512 for 16 bit unsigned short in the datatype field. NIFTI also has a signed char at 256, an unsigned int at 768, a LONG at 1024, an unsigned long at 1280, an 128 bit float at 1536, a 128 bit COMPLEX at 1792, and a 256 bit COMPLEX at 2048 which are not present in ANALYZE. MIPAV cannot presently handle a 128 bit float or a 256 bit COMPLEX. If scl_slope != 1.0 or scl_inter != 0.0, then source data types will be promoted to higher data types if necessary.

    At location 56 our hacked anlayze has a 4 byte string for voxel units, while NIFTI has the float intent_p1. At location 60 our hacked analyze has a 4 byte string for cal units, while NIFTI has the float intent_p2. At locations 64 and 66 our hacked analyze has shorts for axis orientations 0 and 1, while NIFTI has the float intent_p3. At location 68 our hacked analyze has the short for axis orientation 2, while NIFTI has the short for intent_code.

    At location 76 both ANALYZE and NIFTI have 8 floats for resolutions. In ANALYZE pixdim[0] at location 76 is unused, but in NIFTI if (pixdim[0] >= 0) qfac is taken as 1. Otherwise, if (pixdim[0] < 0) in NIFTI qfac is taken as -1. qfac is used in determining the transformation matrix in method 2. In both ANALYZE and NIFTI the x resolution pixdim[1] is found at location 80, the y resolution pixdim[2] is found at location 84, the z resolution pixdim[3] is found at location 88, and the t resolution pixdim[4] is found at location 92. In NIFTI L to R, P to A, and I to S are defined as positive directions. This differs from AFNI and MIPAV where R to L, A to P, and I to S are positive. ANALYZE 7.5 has R to L, P to A, and I to S positive. Thus, NIFTI, AFNI, and MIPAV have right handed coordinate systems, while ANALYZE has a left handed coordinate system.

    At location 112 our hacked analyze has a float for origin[0], while NIFTI has the float scl_slope. At location 116 our hacked analyze has a float for origin[1], while NIFTI has the float scl_inter. The data is scaled according to: scaled_data[i] = scl_slope * unscaled_data[i] + scl_inter At location 120 our hacked analyze has a float for origin[2], while the NIFTI location 120 has short slice_end, location 122 has char slice_code, and location 123 has char xyzt_units. NIFTI has qoffset_x, qoffset_y, and qoffset_z in locations 268, 272, and 276.

    See Also:
    FileIO, FileInfoNIFTI, FileRaw
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private java.lang.String[] afniGroupArray  
      private java.lang.String[] asciiTextArray  
      private int[] axisOrientation
      R2L, L2R, A2P, P2A, I2S, and S2I orientations of x, y, and z axes.
      private int[] axisOrientation2
      When both qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0, the axis orientation information corresponding to sform_code > 0 is placed in axisOrientation2
      private float[] azimuthArray  
      private byte[] bufferByte
      A byte array of the size of the NIFTI header + 4 extension bytes.
      private float[] bValueArray  
      private CBZip2InputStream bz2in  
      private java.lang.String[] caretArray  
      private int coord_code
      If qform_code > 0, coord_code = qform_code.
      private int[] degreeArray  
      private int[][] dtComponentArray  
      private int ecode  
      private int[] ecodeArray  
      private int esize  
      private int[] esizeArray  
      private file
      File object and input streams needed for NIFTI compressed files
      private java.lang.String fileDir
      private fileHeader
      private FileInfoNIFTI fileInfo
      private java.lang.String fileName
      private fis  
      private int freq_dim
      Bits 0 and 1 of the dim_info character contain the freq_dim information. 0 for "No frequency encoding direction is present", 1 for "Frequency encoding in the x direction", 2 for "Frequency encoding in the y direction", and 3 for "Frequency encoding in the z direction".
      private gzin  
      private int headerSize
      The size of the NIFTI-2 header must be set to 540 bytes.
      private ModelImage image
      private double imageMax
      private double imageMin
      private java.lang.String intentName
      The intent_name field provides space for a 15 character (plus 0 byte) name string for the type of data stored.
      private java.lang.String[] jsonArray  
      private double[] LPSOrigin
      The MIPAV origin value which is obtained from qoffset_x, qoffset_y, and qoffset_z when qform_code > 0 or from srow_x[3], srow_y[3], and srow_z[3] when sform_code > 0.
      private double[] LPSOrigin2
      When qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0, LPSOrigin derives the MIPAV origin from the qform information and LPSOrigin2 derives MIPAV origin from the sform information.
      private TransMatrix matrix
      MIPAV matrix used for storing qform or sform transformation information.
      private TransMatrix matrix2
      When qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0, the qform transformation information is stored in matrix and the sform transformation information is stored in matrix2.
      private TransMatrix matrixTwoDim
      MIPAV matrix used for storing qform or sform transformation information for 2D images.
      private java.lang.String[] mindIdentArray  
      private double newMax
      When the image data is rescaled by y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter, the image minimum or image maximum is rescaled to newMax.
      private double newMin
      When the image data is rescaled by y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter, the image minimum or image maximum is rescaled to newMin.
      private boolean noReadPrivateTags  
      private boolean oneFile
      If true, header and data both stored in .nii file.
      private int[] orderArray  
      private float[] origin
      private java.lang.String patientOrientationString  
      private int phase_dim
      Bits 2 and 3 of the dim_info character contain the phase_dim information. 0 for "No phase encoding direction is present", 1 for "Phase encoding in the x direction", 2 for "Phase encoding in the y direction", and 3 for "Phase encoding in the z direction".
      private double[] pixdim
      qfac is stored in the otherwise unused pixdim[0].
      private float qfac
      The scaling factor qfac is either 1 or -1.
      private int qform_code
      When qform_code > 0 the (x,y,z) coordinates are given by: [ x ] [ R11 R12 R13 ] [ pixdim[1] * i ] [ qoffset_x ] [ y ] = [ R21 R22 R23 ] [ pixdim[2] * j ] + [ qoffset_y ] [ z ] [ R31 R32 R33 ] [ qfac * pixdim[3] * k ] [ qoffset_z ] where the R rotation parameters are calculated from the quaternion parameters.
      private double qoffset_x
      Quaternion x shift
      private double qoffset_y
      Quaternion y shift
      private double qoffset_z
      Quaternion z shift
      private double quatern_a
      The orientation of the (x,y,z) axes relative to the (i,j,k) axes in 3D space is specified using a unit quaternion [a,b,c,d], where a*a+b*b+c*c+d*d=1.
      private double quatern_b
      Quaternion b parameter
      private double quatern_c
      Quaternion c parameter
      private double quatern_d
      Quaternion d parameter
      private double r00
      The (proper) 3x3 rotation matrix that corresponds to quaternion [a,b,c,d] is [ a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c ] R = [ 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b ] [ 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b ]
      private double r01
      The (proper) 3x3 rotation matrix that corresponds to quaternion [a,b,c,d] is [ a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c ] R = [ 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b ] [ 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b ]
      private double r02
      The (proper) 3x3 rotation matrix that corresponds to quaternion [a,b,c,d] is [ a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c ] R = [ 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b ] [ 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b ]
      private double r10  
      private double r11  
      private double r12  
      private double r20  
      private double r21  
      private double r22  
      private float[] resolutions
      NIFTI pixdim information is converted into MIPAV resolutions information Only those pixdim[i] for which the niftiExtents[i] > 1 are passed into a resolutions[j] value.
      private double scl_inter  
      private double scl_slope
      If the scl_slope field is nonzero, then each voxel value in the dataset should be scaled as y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter where x = voxel value stored y = "true" voxel value Normally, we would expect this scaling to be used to store "true" floating values in a smaller integer datatype, but that is not required.
      private int sform_code
      When sform_code > 0, The (x,y,z) coordinates are given by a general affine transformation of the (i,j,k) indexes: x = srow_x[0] * i + srow_x[1] * j + srow_x[2] * k + srow_x[3] y = srow_y[0] * i + srow_y[1] * j + srow_y[2] * k + srow_y[3] z = srow_z[0] * i + srow_z[1] * j + srow_z[2] * k + srow_z[3] sform_code has values for "Arbitrary X,Y,Z coordinate system", "Scanner based anatomical coordinates", "Coordinates aligned to another file's or to anatomical truth", "Talairach X,Y,Z coordinate system", and "MNI 152 normalized X,Y,Z coordinates".
      private int slice_dim
      Bits 4 and 5 of the dim_info character contain the slice_dim information. 0 for "No slice acquisition direction is present", 1 for "Slice acquisition in the x direction", 2 for "Slice acquisition in the y direction", and 3 for "Slice acquisition in the z direction".
      private int sliceCode
      If this is nonzero, AND if slice_dim is nonzero, AND if slice_duration is positive, indicates the timing pattern of the slice acquisition.
      private double sliceDuration
      Time used to acquire 1 slice.
      private long sliceEnd
      Slice timing pattern ends with slice = (sliceEnd + 1)
      private long sliceStart
      Slice timing pattern starts with slice = (sliceStart + 1)
      private short sourceBitPix
      Source bits per pixel = sourceBitPix
      private short sourceType
      Original unscaled source data type
      private int spaceUnits
      Bits 0, 1, and 2 of xyzt_units specify the units of pixdim[1..3], that is the spatial units of the nifti x, y, and z axes. 0 means "Spatial units are unknown", 1 means "Spatial units are meters", 2 means "Spatial units are millimeters", 3 means "Spatial units are micrometers".
      private double[] srow_x
      1st row affine transform
      private double[] srow_y
      2nd row affine transform
      private double[] srow_z
      3rd row affine transform
      private int timeUnits
      Bits 3, 4, and 5 of xyzt_units specify the units of pixdim[4], that is the temporal units of the nifti time axis.
      private double tOffset
      The toffset field can be used to indicate a nonzero start point for the time axis.
      private float vox_offset
      If the magic field is "n+1", then the voxel data is stored in the same file as the header.
      private long vox_offset2  
      private float[] zenithArray  
      private zin  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FileNIFTI​(java.lang.String fName, java.lang.String fDir)
      Constructs new file object.
    • Field Detail

      • axisOrientation

        private int[] axisOrientation
        R2L, L2R, A2P, P2A, I2S, and S2I orientations of x, y, and z axes.
      • axisOrientation2

        private int[] axisOrientation2
        When both qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0, the axis orientation information corresponding to sform_code > 0 is placed in axisOrientation2
      • bufferByte

        private byte[] bufferByte
        A byte array of the size of the NIFTI header + 4 extension bytes.
      • coord_code

        private int coord_code
        If qform_code > 0, coord_code = qform_code. If qform_code <= 0 and sform_code > 0, coord_code = sform_code. coord_code has values for "Arbitrary X,Y,Z coordinate system", "Scanner based anatomical coordinates", "Coordinates aligned to another file's or to anatomical truth", "Talairach X,Y,Z coordinate system", and "MNI 152 normalized X,Y,Z coordinates".
      • fileDir

        private java.lang.String fileDir
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • fileHeader

        private fileHeader
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • fileName

        private java.lang.String fileName
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • freq_dim

        private int freq_dim
        Bits 0 and 1 of the dim_info character contain the freq_dim information. 0 for "No frequency encoding direction is present", 1 for "Frequency encoding in the x direction", 2 for "Frequency encoding in the y direction", and 3 for "Frequency encoding in the z direction".
      • headerSize

        private int headerSize
        The size of the NIFTI-2 header must be set to 540 bytes.
      • imageMax

        private double imageMax
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • imageMin

        private double imageMin
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • intentName

        private java.lang.String intentName
        The intent_name field provides space for a 15 character (plus 0 byte) name string for the type of data stored. Examples: - intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_ESTIMATE; intent_name = "T1"; could be used to signify that the voxel values are estimates of the NMR parameter T1. - intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST; intent_name = "House"; could be used to signify that the voxel values are t-statistics for the significance of activation response to a House stimulus. - intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_DISPVECT; intent_name = "ToMNI152"; could be used to signify that the voxel values are a displacement vector that transforms each voxel (x,y,z) location to the corresponding location in the MNI152 standard brain. - intent_code = NIFTI_INTENT_SYMMATRIX; intent_name = "DTI"; could be used to signify that the voxel values comprise a diffusion tensor image.
      • LPSOrigin

        private double[] LPSOrigin
        The MIPAV origin value which is obtained from qoffset_x, qoffset_y, and qoffset_z when qform_code > 0 or from srow_x[3], srow_y[3], and srow_z[3] when sform_code > 0. The MIPAV value will equal the NIFTI value or the negative of the NIFTI value. The MIPAV value is stored using fileInfo.setOrigin(LPSOrigin) and matrix.setMatrix(LPSOrigin[0], 0, 3); matrix.setMatrix(LPSOrigin[1], 1, 3); matrix.setMatrix(LPSOrigin[2], 2, 3);
      • LPSOrigin2

        private double[] LPSOrigin2
        When qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0, LPSOrigin derives the MIPAV origin from the qform information and LPSOrigin2 derives MIPAV origin from the sform information. LPSOrigin2 is derived from srow_x[3], srow_y[3], and srow_z[3]. The MIPAV value will equal the NIFTI value or the negative of the NIFTI value. MIPAV information is stored using matrix2.setMatrix(LPSOrigin2[0], 0, 3); matrix2.setMatrix(LPSOrigin2[1], 1, 3); matrix2.setMatrix(LPSOrigin2[2], 2, 3);
      • matrix

        private TransMatrix matrix
        MIPAV matrix used for storing qform or sform transformation information.
      • matrixTwoDim

        private TransMatrix matrixTwoDim
        MIPAV matrix used for storing qform or sform transformation information for 2D images.
      • matrix2

        private TransMatrix matrix2
        When qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0, the qform transformation information is stored in matrix and the sform transformation information is stored in matrix2.
      • newMax

        private double newMax
        When the image data is rescaled by y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter, the image minimum or image maximum is rescaled to newMax.
      • newMin

        private double newMin
        When the image data is rescaled by y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter, the image minimum or image maximum is rescaled to newMin.
      • oneFile

        private boolean oneFile
        If true, header and data both stored in .nii file. If false, header stored in filename.hdr and data stored in filename.img.
      • origin

        private float[] origin
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • phase_dim

        private int phase_dim
        Bits 2 and 3 of the dim_info character contain the phase_dim information. 0 for "No phase encoding direction is present", 1 for "Phase encoding in the x direction", 2 for "Phase encoding in the y direction", and 3 for "Phase encoding in the z direction".
      • pixdim

        private double[] pixdim
        qfac is stored in the otherwise unused pixdim[0]. pixdim[i] = voxel width along dimension #i, i=1..dim[0] (positive) the units of pixdim can be specified with the xyzt_units field
      • qfac

        private float qfac
        The scaling factor qfac is either 1 or -1. The rotation matrix R defined by the quaternion parameters is "proper" (has determinant 1). This may not fit the needs of the data; for example, if the image grid is i increases from Left-to-Right j increases from Anterior-to-Posterior k increases from Inferior-to-Superior Then (i,j,k) is a left-handed triple. In this example, if qfac=1, the R matrix would have to be [ 1 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 ] which is "improper" (determinant = -1). [ 0 0 1 ] If we set qfac=-1, then the R matrix would be [ 1 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 0 ] which is proper. [ 0 0 -1 ] qfac is stored in the otherwise unused pixdim[0].
      • qform_code

        private int qform_code
        When qform_code > 0 the (x,y,z) coordinates are given by: [ x ] [ R11 R12 R13 ] [ pixdim[1] * i ] [ qoffset_x ] [ y ] = [ R21 R22 R23 ] [ pixdim[2] * j ] + [ qoffset_y ] [ z ] [ R31 R32 R33 ] [ qfac * pixdim[3] * k ] [ qoffset_z ] where the R rotation parameters are calculated from the quaternion parameters. qform_code has values for "Arbitrary X,Y,Z coordinate system", "Scanner based anatomical coordinates", "Coordinates aligned to another file's or to anatomical truth", "Talairach X,Y,Z coordinate system", and "MNI 152 normalized X,Y,Z coordinates".
      • qoffset_x

        private double qoffset_x
        Quaternion x shift
      • qoffset_y

        private double qoffset_y
        Quaternion y shift
      • qoffset_z

        private double qoffset_z
        Quaternion z shift
      • quatern_a

        private double quatern_a
        The orientation of the (x,y,z) axes relative to the (i,j,k) axes in 3D space is specified using a unit quaternion [a,b,c,d], where a*a+b*b+c*c+d*d=1. The (b,c,d) values are all that is needed, since we require that a = sqrt(1.0-(b*b+c*c+d*d)) be nonnegative.
      • quatern_b

        private double quatern_b
        Quaternion b parameter
      • quatern_c

        private double quatern_c
        Quaternion c parameter
      • quatern_d

        private double quatern_d
        Quaternion d parameter
      • r00

        private double r00
        The (proper) 3x3 rotation matrix that corresponds to quaternion [a,b,c,d] is [ a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c ] R = [ 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b ] [ 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b ]
      • r01

        private double r01
        The (proper) 3x3 rotation matrix that corresponds to quaternion [a,b,c,d] is [ a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c ] R = [ 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b ] [ 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b ]
      • r02

        private double r02
        The (proper) 3x3 rotation matrix that corresponds to quaternion [a,b,c,d] is [ a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d 2*b*c-2*a*d 2*b*d+2*a*c ] R = [ 2*b*c+2*a*d a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d 2*c*d-2*a*b ] [ 2*b*d-2*a*c 2*c*d+2*a*b a*a+d*d-c*c-b*b ]
      • r10

        private double r10
      • r11

        private double r11
      • r12

        private double r12
      • r20

        private double r20
      • r21

        private double r21
      • r22

        private double r22
      • patientOrientationString

        private java.lang.String patientOrientationString
      • resolutions

        private float[] resolutions
        NIFTI pixdim information is converted into MIPAV resolutions information Only those pixdim[i] for which the niftiExtents[i] > 1 are passed into a resolutions[j] value.
      • scl_slope

        private double scl_slope
        If the scl_slope field is nonzero, then each voxel value in the dataset should be scaled as y = scl_slope * x + scl_inter where x = voxel value stored y = "true" voxel value Normally, we would expect this scaling to be used to store "true" floating values in a smaller integer datatype, but that is not required. That is, it is legal to use scaling even if the datatype is a float type (crazy, perhaps, but legal). - However, the scaling is to be ignored if datatype is DT_RGB24. - If datatype is a complex type, then the scaling is to be applied to both the real and imaginary parts.
      • scl_inter

        private double scl_inter
      • sform_code

        private int sform_code
        When sform_code > 0, The (x,y,z) coordinates are given by a general affine transformation of the (i,j,k) indexes: x = srow_x[0] * i + srow_x[1] * j + srow_x[2] * k + srow_x[3] y = srow_y[0] * i + srow_y[1] * j + srow_y[2] * k + srow_y[3] z = srow_z[0] * i + srow_z[1] * j + srow_z[2] * k + srow_z[3] sform_code has values for "Arbitrary X,Y,Z coordinate system", "Scanner based anatomical coordinates", "Coordinates aligned to another file's or to anatomical truth", "Talairach X,Y,Z coordinate system", and "MNI 152 normalized X,Y,Z coordinates".
      • slice_dim

        private int slice_dim
        Bits 4 and 5 of the dim_info character contain the slice_dim information. 0 for "No slice acquisition direction is present", 1 for "Slice acquisition in the x direction", 2 for "Slice acquisition in the y direction", and 3 for "Slice acquisition in the z direction".
      • sliceCode

        private int sliceCode
        If this is nonzero, AND if slice_dim is nonzero, AND if slice_duration is positive, indicates the timing pattern of the slice acquisition. The following codes are defined: "Slice timing order is sequentially increasing", "Slice timing order is sequentially decreasing", "Slice timing order is alternately increasing", "Slice timing order is alternately decreasing", "Slice timing order is alternately increasing #2", "Slice timing order is alternately decreasing #2".
      • sliceDuration

        private double sliceDuration
        Time used to acquire 1 slice.
      • sliceEnd

        private long sliceEnd
        Slice timing pattern ends with slice = (sliceEnd + 1)
      • sliceStart

        private long sliceStart
        Slice timing pattern starts with slice = (sliceStart + 1)
      • sourceBitPix

        private short sourceBitPix
        Source bits per pixel = sourceBitPix
      • sourceType

        private short sourceType
        Original unscaled source data type
      • spaceUnits

        private int spaceUnits
        Bits 0, 1, and 2 of xyzt_units specify the units of pixdim[1..3], that is the spatial units of the nifti x, y, and z axes. 0 means "Spatial units are unknown", 1 means "Spatial units are meters", 2 means "Spatial units are millimeters", 3 means "Spatial units are micrometers".
      • srow_x

        private double[] srow_x
        1st row affine transform
      • srow_y

        private double[] srow_y
        2nd row affine transform
      • srow_z

        private double[] srow_z
        3rd row affine transform
      • timeUnits

        private int timeUnits
        Bits 3, 4, and 5 of xyzt_units specify the units of pixdim[4], that is the temporal units of the nifti time axis. Temporal units are multiples of 8. 0 means "Temporal units are unknown", 8 means "Temporal units are seconds", 16 means "Temporal units are milliseconds", 24 means "Temporal units are microseconds", 32 means "Temporal units are Hertz", 40 means "Temporal units are parts per million", 48 means "Temporal units are Radians per second."
      • tOffset

        private double tOffset
        The toffset field can be used to indicate a nonzero start point for the time axis. That is, time point #m is at t=toffset+m*pixdim[4] for m=0..dim[4]-1.
      • vox_offset

        private float vox_offset
        If the magic field is "n+1", then the voxel data is stored in the same file as the header. In this case, the voxel data starts at offset (int)vox_offset into the header file. Thus, vox_offset=352.0 means that the data starts immediately after the NIFTI-1 header. If vox_offset is greater than 352, the NIFTI-1 format does not say much about the contents of the dataset file between the end of the header and the start of the data. If the magic field is "ni1", then the voxel data is stored in the associated ".img" file, starting at offset 0 (i.e., vox_offset is not used in this case, and should be set to 0.0). In a .nii file, the vox_offset field value is interpreted as the start location of the image data bytes in that file. In a .hdr/.img file pair, the vox_offset field value is the start location of the image data bytes in the .img file. If vox_offset is less than 352 in a .nii file, it is equivalent to 352 (i.e., image data never starts before byte #352 in a .nii file). The default value for vox_offset in a .nii file is 352. In a .hdr file, the default value for vox_offset is 0. * vox_offset should be an integer multiple of 16; otherwise, some programs may not work properly (e.g., SPM). This is to allow memory-mapped input to be properly byte-aligned.
      • vox_offset2

        private long vox_offset2
      • esize

        private int esize
      • ecode

        private int ecode
      • esizeArray

        private int[] esizeArray
      • ecodeArray

        private int[] ecodeArray
      • mindIdentArray

        private java.lang.String[] mindIdentArray
      • bValueArray

        private float[] bValueArray
      • azimuthArray

        private float[] azimuthArray
      • zenithArray

        private float[] zenithArray
      • dtComponentArray

        private int[][] dtComponentArray
      • degreeArray

        private int[] degreeArray
      • orderArray

        private int[] orderArray
      • afniGroupArray

        private java.lang.String[] afniGroupArray
      • asciiTextArray

        private java.lang.String[] asciiTextArray
      • caretArray

        private java.lang.String[] caretArray
      • jsonArray

        private java.lang.String[] jsonArray
      • file

        private file
        File object and input streams needed for NIFTI compressed files
      • fis

        private fis
      • zin

        private zin
      • gzin

        private gzin
      • noReadPrivateTags

        private boolean noReadPrivateTags
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileNIFTI

        public FileNIFTI​(java.lang.String fName,
                         java.lang.String fDir)
        Constructs new file object.
        fName - File name.
        fDir - File directory.
    • Method Detail

      • isNIFTI

        public static boolean isNIFTI​(java.lang.String fName,
                                      java.lang.String fDir)
        Method determines if the image format is NIFTI, so FileIO will call the appropriate FileNIFTI read method.
        fName - File name of image.
        fDir - Directory.
        true if NIFTI file, false otherwise.
      • absoluteValue

        public void absoluteValue​(ModelImage image)
        Absolute value of image.
        image - Image to take absolute value of.
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
      • flipTopBottom

        public void flipTopBottom​(ModelImage image)
        Flips image. NIFTI stores its data "upside down".
        image - Image to flip.
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
      • flipTopBottom

        public void flipTopBottom​(float[] buffer,
                                  FileInfoNIFTI fileInfo)
        Flips image. NIFTI stores its data "upside down".
        buffer - Buffer holding image to flip.
        fileInfo - File info structure for image to flip.
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for cleanup. Calls the finalize method for existing elements, closes any open files and sets other elements to null.
        finalize in class FileBase
      • getFileInfo

        public FileInfoNIFTI getFileInfo()
        Returns the FileInfoNIFTI read from the file.
        File info read from file, or null if it has not been read.
      • readHeader

        public boolean readHeader​(java.lang.String imageFileName,
                                  java.lang.String fileDir,
                                  boolean niftiCompressed,
                                  boolean noReadPrivateTags)
        Reads the NIFTI header and stores the information in fileInfo.
        imageFileName - File name of image.
        fileDir - Directory.
        niftiCompressed - boolean indicating if file is a NIFTI compressed type
        Flag to confirm a successful read.
        Throws: - if there is an error reading the header
        See Also:
      • processJson

        private void processJson​(java.lang.String json,
                                 boolean noReadPrivateTags)
      • readImage

        public ModelImage readImage​(boolean one,
                                    boolean niftiCompressed,
                                    boolean noImportData,
                                    boolean noReadPrivateTags)
        Reads a NIFTI image file by reading the header then making a FileRaw to read the image for all filenames in the file list. Only the one file directory (currently) supported.
        one - flag indicating one image of a 3D dataset should be read in.
        niftiCompressed - boolean indicating if file being read is a compressed nifti .nii.gz,, or .nii.bz2
        The image.
        Throws: - if there is an error reading the file
        See Also:
      • getFullBuffer

        private byte[] getFullBuffer​( in,
                                     byte[] buff,
                                     int off,
                                     int fullBufferSize)
        in -
        buff -
        off -
        fullBufferSize -
      • readImage

        public void readImage​(float[] buffer)
        Reads a NIFTI image file by reading the header then making a FileRaw to read the file. Image data is left in buffer. If the fileInfo cannot be found, the header will be located and read first. Image is not 'flipped', and neither units of measure nor orientation are set.
        buffer - Image buffer to store image data into.
        Throws: - if there is an error reading the file
        See Also:
      • readImage

        public void readImage​(float[] buffer,
                              long userOffset)
        Reads a NIFTI image file by reading the header then making a FileRaw to read the file. Image data is left in buffer. If the fileInfo cannot be found, the header will be located and read first. Image is not 'flipped', and neither units of measure nor orientation are set.
        buffer - Image buffer to store image data into.
        offset - Offset a which to start reaing image, can be used to read in a specific slice/subBrick
        Throws: - if there is an error reading the file
        See Also:
      • scale

        public void scale​(ModelImage image)
        Scales image.
        image - Image to scale.
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
      • writeImage

        public void writeImage​(ModelImage image,
                               FileWriteOptions options)
        Writes an NIFTI format type image.
        image - Image model of data to write.
        Throws: - if there is an error writing the file
        See Also:
        FileInfoNIFTI, FileRaw
      • getAxisOrientation

        private int[] getAxisOrientation​(TransMatrix mat)
        --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute the (closest) orientation from a 4x4 ijk->xyz tranformation matrix
               Input:  4x4 matrix that transforms (i,j,k) indexes to (x,y,z) coordinates,
                       where +x=Left, +y=Posterior, +z=Superior.
                       (Only the upper-left 3x3 corner of R is used herein.)
                       Note that this routine uses the MIPAV LPS convention as
                       opposed to the NIFTI RAS convention.
               Output: 3 orientation codes that correspond to the closest "standard"
                       anatomical orientation of the (i,j,k) axes.
               Method: Find which permutation of (x,y,z) has the smallest angle to the
                       (i,j,k) axes directions, which are the columns of the R matrix.
               Errors: The codes returned will be zero.

        \see "QUATERNION REPRESENTATION OF ROTATION MATRIX" in nifti1.h \see nifti_quatern_to_mat44, nifti_mat44_to_quatern, nifti_make_orthog_mat44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        mat - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • getOffset

        private int getOffset​(FileInfoNIFTI fileInfo)
        Helper method to calculate the offset for getting only the middle NIFTI image slice from the 3D file.
        fileInfo - File info.
      • mat33_colnorm

        private double mat33_colnorm​(Jama.Matrix A)
        max column norm of 3x3 matrix.
        A - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mat33_polar

        private Jama.Matrix mat33_polar​(Jama.Matrix A)
        Polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix: finds the closest orthogonal matrix to input A (in both Frobenius and L2 norms). Algorithm is that from NJ Higham, SIAM JSci Stat Comput, 7:1160-1174.
        A - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mat33_rownorm

        private double mat33_rownorm​(Jama.Matrix A)
        max row norm of 3x3 matrix.
        A - DOCUMENT ME!
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • updateorigins

        private void updateorigins​(FileInfoBase[] fileInfo)
        Updates the start locations. Each image has a fileinfo where the start locations are stored. Note that the start location for the Z (3rd) dimension change with the change is the slice. The origin is in the upper left corner and we are using the right hand rule. + x -> left to right; + y -> top to bottom and + z -> into screen.
        fileInfo - DOCUMENT ME!
      • writeHeader

        public boolean writeHeader​(ModelImage image,
                                   int nImagesSaved,
                                   int nTimeSaved,
                                   java.lang.String fileName,
                                   java.lang.String fileDir,
                                   boolean doGzip,
                                   boolean oneFile)
        Writes a NIFTI header to a separate file.
        image - Image model of data to write.
        fileName - File name.
        fileDir - File directory.
        Flag to confirm a successful read.
        Throws: - if there is an error
        See Also:
      • writeHeader3DTo2D

        private void writeHeader3DTo2D​(ModelImage image,
                                       java.lang.String fileName,
                                       java.lang.String fileDir,
                                       FileWriteOptions options,
                                       boolean oneFile)
        This method is used when saving a 3D image in an array of 2D files. The file name has numbers appended to correctly order the images.
        image - the image dataset to be saved
        fileName - the file name
        fileDir - the file directory
        options - file options indicate how to save the image
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
      • writeHeader4DTo3D

        private void writeHeader4DTo3D​(ModelImage image,
                                       java.lang.String fileName,
                                       java.lang.String fileDir,
                                       FileWriteOptions options,
                                       boolean oneFile)
        This method is used when saving a 4D image in an array of 3D files. The file name has numbers appended to correctly order the images.
        image - the image dataset to be saved
        fileName - the file name
        fileDir - the file directory
        options - file options indicate how to save the image
        Throws: - DOCUMENT ME!
      • getBufferByte

        public byte[] getBufferByte()