Class PolygonOffsetState

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      float Bias
      The offset is Scale*dZ + Bias*r where dZ is the change in depth relative to the screen space area of the poly, and r is the smallest resolvable depth difference.
      boolean FillEnabled
      Set whether offset should be enabled for the various polygon drawing modes (fill, line, point).
      boolean LineEnabled
      Set whether offset should be enabled for the various polygon drawing modes (fill, line, point).
      boolean PointEnabled
      Set whether offset should be enabled for the various polygon drawing modes (fill, line, point).
      float Scale
      The offset is Scale*dZ + Bias*r where dZ is the change in depth relative to the screen space area of the poly, and r is the smallest resolvable depth difference.
      private static long serialVersionUID  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor.
    • Field Detail

      • FillEnabled

        public boolean FillEnabled
        Set whether offset should be enabled for the various polygon drawing modes (fill, line, point).
      • LineEnabled

        public boolean LineEnabled
        Set whether offset should be enabled for the various polygon drawing modes (fill, line, point).
      • PointEnabled

        public boolean PointEnabled
        Set whether offset should be enabled for the various polygon drawing modes (fill, line, point).
      • Scale

        public float Scale
        The offset is Scale*dZ + Bias*r where dZ is the change in depth relative to the screen space area of the poly, and r is the smallest resolvable depth difference. Negative values move polygons closer to the eye.
      • Bias

        public float Bias
        The offset is Scale*dZ + Bias*r where dZ is the change in depth relative to the screen space area of the poly, and r is the smallest resolvable depth difference. Negative values move polygons closer to the eye.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolygonOffsetState

        public PolygonOffsetState()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • GetDiskUsed

        public int GetDiskUsed​(StreamVersion rkVersion)
        Returns the size of this object and it's children on disk for the current StreamVersion parameter.
        Specified by:
        GetDiskUsed in interface StreamInterface
        GetDiskUsed in class GraphicsObject
        rkVersion - the current version of the Stream file being created.
        the size of this object on disk.
      • Load

        public void Load​(Stream rkStream,
                         Stream.Link pkLink)
        Loads this object from the input parameter rkStream, using the input Stream.Link to store the IDs of children objects of this object for linking after all objects are loaded from the Stream.
        Specified by:
        Load in interface StreamInterface
        Load in class GraphicsObject
        rkStream - the Stream from which this object is being read.
        pkLink - the Link class for storing the IDs of this object's children objects.
      • Save

        public void Save​(Stream rkStream)
        Write this object and all it's children to the Stream.
        Specified by:
        Save in interface StreamInterface
        Save in class GraphicsObject
        rkStream - the Stream where the child objects are stored.
      • SaveStrings

        public StringTree SaveStrings​(java.lang.String acTitle)
        Write this object into a StringTree for the scene-graph visualization.
        Specified by:
        SaveStrings in interface StreamInterface
        SaveStrings in class GlobalState
        acTitle - the header for this object in the StringTree.
        StringTree containing a String-based representation of this object and it's children.