Task 4, Transforming Talairach image and Talairach VOIs-1 to the original image

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1 Select the Talairach image on which you added VOIs.
2 Go to the Talairach Transform dialog box (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Transforming Talairach image and VOIs to a copy of the original image


3 Select Talairach image in the New image to transform list.
4 Select Tlrc to orig in the Transformation list.
5 Click Compute. A series of progress messages (Figure 2) appears. When the processing is complete, a copy of the original image with the VOI labels appears (Figure 3).

Figure 2. A progress message that appears when VOIs are transferred to the original image


Figure 3. Copy of original image with Talairach transform and copied VOIs


Task 5, Copying Talairach VOIs to segmented images