Reviewing VOI statistics

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The Logging page ([MIPAV_QuickStart.html#2672530 Figure 37]) displays the statistics in tabular form. Whether or not you chose a type of statistic on the Statistics Options page, the table includes a heading for each type. Blanks cells in the table indicate that you did not choose to obtain that particular type of statistics.
Figure 37. The Logging page in the Calculate Statistics on VOI Groups window

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Each time you calculate the statistics for a VOI the Statistics Generator adds another row of statistics to the table. Note that the first column in the table lists the name of the VOI and, if appropriate, the slice and contour numbers. Also, you can change the width of each of the columns in the table by dragging the line between the columns in the heading.

You can include and review the statistics file in a database or in a spreadsheet program by double-clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer window and, in the Open with dialog box, selecting the application in which you want to open the file.

When the number of rows in the table exceeds the length of the Logging page, scroll bars appear on the right side of the table to allow you to scroll from the beginning or to the end of the table.

If at any time you want to clear, or erase, all of the rows of the table, select Options > Clear log window. The complete table disappears from the Logging page, which is now totally gray.

Overwriting statistics files
If you previously ran the Statistics Generator and obtained statistics, after you click Calculate a message appears stating that a statistics file already exists. It asks whether to overwrite the file or to cancel the action.
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If you not want to overwrite the file, click Cancel. The following warning message appears.
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| MessageFileExistsWarning.jpg

Return to the VOI selection page and choose another file name in the VOI statistic file destination box. Then click Calculate to obtain the new set of statistics. The Statistics Generator calculates the statistics and saves them in the file that you indicated. The statistics appear on the Logging page.
If it's all right to overwrite the file, click Overwrite. The Statistics Generator calculates the statistics and overwrites the previously recorded statistics file.
Tip: If you always want the Statistics Generator to overwrite the file, either select Options > Overwrite file automatically or press Alt O.
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| MenuOptionsOverwriteFileNoEdges.jpg

Go to the next task: [MIPAV_QuickStart.html#2672512 ``Reviewing the statistics''].


Modifying image resolutions

To modify the image resolution
1 Open an image.
2 Select Image > Attributes > Edit attributes in the MIPAV window. The Image Attributes dialog box opens. See[MIPAV_QuickStart.html#2675737 Figure 38].
3 Click Resolutions. The Resolution page appears.
4 Modify the resolutions.
5 Click Apply.
6 Click OK or Close when complete. The window closes.
Figure 38. The Resolutions tab of the Image Attributes dialog box; the Unit of Resolutions list box shows different units available in MIPAV

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