Developing and using scripts

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Developing and using scripts

Scripts, sometimes referred to as macros in other programs, record a series of commands or actions on specific images or groups of images that you can run with a single command. Using scripts can increase productivity and improve efficiency in performing commonly repeated actions or series of actions.
Tip: Most important! You can use scripts to process a large set of user-defined images.

This section explains the following tasks:

Setting up scripting (refer to [MIPAV_Scripting.html#1263978 "Setting up scripting" on page 438]
Planning scripts (refer to [MIPAV_Scripting.html#1267446 "Planning scripts" on page 441])
Creating scripts (refer to [MIPAV_Scripting.html#1331914 "Recording scripts" on page 444])
Running scripts (refer to [MIPAV_Scripting.html#1330659 "Examples of working scripts" on page 471])
Editing and deleting scripts (refer to [MIPAV_Scripting.html#1335562 "Editing and deleting scripts" on page 454])

Setting up scripting