Crontab notes

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Current crontab on build machine

[mccreedy@bern]~% crontab -l
# crontab for mccreedy on

# mail output to me:
# use zsh no matter what





# script directory vars

00 23 * * *     $SCRIPTDIR/build/complete-build.zsh -nightly

01 00 * * *     $SCRIPTDIR/build/java_1.5_build.zsh

Crontab notes

  • $MAILTO indicates the address that job output should be emailed to.
  • $SHELL ensures a consistent (zsh) environment for jobs.
  • $JAVA_HOME specifies the default java jdk to use when doing the nightly build (can be overridden by called scripts).
  • $ANT_HOME forces a version of ant which is compatible with java 1.6 (default on bern isn't compatible).
  • $SCRIPTDIR and $PROJECTDIR are machine and user specific.
  • Use 'crontab -l' to print your current crontab. Use 'crontab -e' to make changes using your $EDITOR.

Explanation of crontab job lines

* * * * * <job_command_line>
| | | | |
| | | | +- day of the week (1-7, where 1 => monday)
| | | |
| | | +--- month (1-12)
| | |
| | +----- day of month (1-31)
| |
| +------- hour (0-23)
+--------- minute (0-59)
  • An asterisk (*) is used to match any time value for a given scheduling field.
  • Sends email to $MAILTO if the command prints to stdout or stderr.
  • To avoid an email for a command and disregard any output append the following to the command line (zsh/bash):
> /dev/null 2>&1