Class ShearWarpColor

    • Field Detail

      • m_acImageA

        protected byte[] m_acImageA
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_acImageB

        protected byte[] m_acImageB
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_acImageG

        protected byte[] m_acImageG
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_acImageR

        protected byte[] m_acImageR
        color channels of the image (R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha).
      • m_afInterB

        protected float[] m_afInterB
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_afInterG

        protected float[] m_afInterG
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_afInterR

        protected float[] m_afInterR
        intermediate 2D images.
      • m_kNormalizeB

        protected java.lang.Float m_kNormalizeB
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kNormalizeG

        protected java.lang.Float m_kNormalizeG
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_kNormalizeR

        protected java.lang.Float m_kNormalizeR
        Factor used to scale the computed sum along each ray for the purpose of normalizing the integral.
      • m_kMap

        RendererMapColor m_kMap
        map to convert RGB channel values to intensity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShearWarpColor

        public ShearWarpColor​(ModelImage kImage,
                              int iFinalBound,
                              int[] aiFinal)
        Create a color renderer. The input color channel type is 'byte', a signed 8-bit quantity, but the data represents unsigned 8-bit values.
        kImage - the 3D image
        iFinalBound - the dimension of the square 2D renderer image
        aiFinal - The 2D rendered image. The image is 24-bit RGB color, each pixel stored as a 32-bit integer. The 8 most significant bits are ignored. The blue channel is stored in the 8 least significant bits. The green channel is in the next 8 bits adjacent to the blue bits. The red channel is in the next 8 bits adjacent to the green channel.
    • Method Detail

      • hasInputData

        public boolean hasInputData()
        Return indication as to whether or not the input image data has been specified yet.
        Specified by:
        hasInputData in interface RendererInterfaceColor
        Specified by:
        hasInputData in class Renderer
        boolean True if the input image data has been specified.
      • hasInputMap

        public boolean hasInputMap()
        Return indication as to whether or not a map has been defined for mapping input colors to intensity.
        Specified by:
        hasInputMap in interface RendererInterfaceColor
        boolean True if such a map has been defined.
      • setInput

        public void setInput​(byte[] acImageR,
                             byte[] acImageG,
                             byte[] acImageB,
                             byte[] acImageA)
        Specify the input volume to use for rendering. The image data stored in order of slice indices, each slice stored in row-major order. That is, slice z=0 is stored first, slice z=1 is stored next, and so on. In slice z=0, the y=0 row is stored first, the y=1 row is stored next, and so on.
        Specified by:
        setInput in interface RendererInterfaceColor
        acImageR - byte[] Array of byte red values for volume.
        acImageG - byte[] Array of byte green values for volume.
        acImageB - byte[] Array of byte blue values for volume.
        acImageA - byte[] Array of byte alpha values for volume.
      • setInputMap

        public void setInputMap​(RendererMapColor kMap)
        Specify the lookup table to use for mapping input RGB colors to intensity.
        Specified by:
        setInputMap in interface RendererInterfaceColor
        kMap - Look up table for mapping the color values to intensity.
      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        Calls dispose.
        finalize in class ShearWarpRenderer
        java.lang.Throwable - DOCUMENT ME!
      • resampleAll

        protected void resampleAll​(int iDS)
        Resample all the slices for the current permuted volume data.
        resampleAll in class ShearWarpRenderer
        iDS - The number of slices to increment during the resampling phase. The value should be one or larger. If one, all slices of the volume data are resampled. If two, only every other slice is resampled. An input larger than one is used to allow fast rendering during rotation of the volume data. Once the rotation terminates, a composite with input of one should be called.