Class BurnAttributes

  • public class BurnAttributes
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class that holds the information about each surface; the BranchGroup which holds the surface subtree, the name of the surface in the dialog, the color of the surface, the shininess of the surface, the level of detail (for clod meshes), the number of triangles (changes with level of detail), the polygon mode (fill, line, or point), and a flag indicating if this is a clod mesh.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description burnBG
      burn subtree, holds all the Shape3D objects that make up the surface.
      float burningTime
      burning time.
      java.util.BitSet burnMask
      BitSet burning sphere or ellposoid mask.
      javax.vecmath.Vector3f burnPoint
      Burn center coordinate.
      javax.vecmath.Point3f center
      burn center.
      boolean clipping
      burn surface clipped or not.
      javax.vecmath.Color4f color
      Color of burn.
      boolean culling
      Back face culling enabled or not.
      javax.vecmath.Point3f entryPoint
      entry point coordinate of the specified probe.
      java.lang.String name
      Name of surface displayed in list box.
      float opacity
      opacity of burn.
      boolean pickable
      burn surface pickabel or not.
      javax.vecmath.Point3f radius
      burn diameter. transform
      probe transform.
      float volume
      Volume of triangle mesh displayed associated with the burn.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      BurnAttributes​( burnBG, java.lang.String name, javax.vecmath.Color4f color, float volume, float opacity, javax.vecmath.Point3f radius, float burningTime)
      Constructs new attributes structure to hold information needed for displaying each burn.
      BurnAttributes​( burnBG, java.lang.String name, javax.vecmath.Color4f color, float volume, float opacity, javax.vecmath.Point3f diameter, float burningTime, javax.vecmath.Point3f center, boolean pickable, boolean clipping, boolean culling, java.util.BitSet burnMask, javax.vecmath.Point3f entryPoint, javax.vecmath.Vector3f burnPoint, transform)
      Constructs new attributes structure to hold information needed for displaying each surface.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • burnBG

        public burnBG
        burn subtree, holds all the Shape3D objects that make up the surface.
      • burningTime

        public float burningTime
        burning time.
      • burnMask

        public java.util.BitSet burnMask
        BitSet burning sphere or ellposoid mask.
      • burnPoint

        public javax.vecmath.Vector3f burnPoint
        Burn center coordinate.
      • center

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f center
        burn center.
      • clipping

        public boolean clipping
        burn surface clipped or not.
      • color

        public javax.vecmath.Color4f color
        Color of burn. The element type is Color4f, although currently the alpha channel does not appear to be supported by Java3D materials (even though the Material API allows the alpha channel to be set for diffuse colors).
      • culling

        public boolean culling
        Back face culling enabled or not.
      • entryPoint

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f entryPoint
        entry point coordinate of the specified probe.
      • name

        public java.lang.String name
        Name of surface displayed in list box.
      • opacity

        public float opacity
        opacity of burn.
      • pickable

        public boolean pickable
        burn surface pickabel or not.
      • radius

        public javax.vecmath.Point3f radius
        burn diameter.
      • transform

        public transform
        probe transform.
      • volume

        public float volume
        Volume of triangle mesh displayed associated with the burn. Changes with level of detail.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BurnAttributes

        public BurnAttributes​( burnBG,
                              java.lang.String name,
                              javax.vecmath.Color4f color,
                              float volume,
                              float opacity,
                              javax.vecmath.Point3f radius,
                              float burningTime)
        Constructs new attributes structure to hold information needed for displaying each burn.
        burnBG - burnBG subtree.
        name - Name of surface.
        color - Color of surface.
        volume - Volume of mesh.
        opacity - opacity of the surface
        radius - sphere radius
        burningTime - ablation time
      • BurnAttributes

        public BurnAttributes​( burnBG,
                              java.lang.String name,
                              javax.vecmath.Color4f color,
                              float volume,
                              float opacity,
                              javax.vecmath.Point3f diameter,
                              float burningTime,
                              javax.vecmath.Point3f center,
                              boolean pickable,
                              boolean clipping,
                              boolean culling,
                              java.util.BitSet burnMask,
                              javax.vecmath.Point3f entryPoint,
                              javax.vecmath.Vector3f burnPoint,
        Constructs new attributes structure to hold information needed for displaying each surface.
        burnBG - burnBG subtree.
        name - Name of surface.
        color - Color of surface.
        volume - Volume of mesh.
        opacity - opacity of the surface.
        diameter - diameter, a point to represent semiX, Y, Z
        burningTime - Burning time
        center - burning center.
        pickable - burning surface pickable or not
        clipping - burning surface clipping or not.
        culling - burning point surface back face culling or not
        burnMask - burning sphere mask.
        entryPoint - entry point coordinate
        burnPoint - burn center point coordinate
        transform - probe transform