Class ModelSurfaceDecimator

  • public class ModelSurfaceDecimator
    extends ModelSurfaceTopology
    A triangle decimator that is used for continuous level of detail of a triangle mesh. The algorithm is based on edge collapses of the mesh. A detailed discussion of the algorithm is found in Level Set Extraction
    • Field Detail

      • m_kEDelete

        java.util.Vector m_kEDelete
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      • m_kVDelete

        java.util.HashSet m_kVDelete
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiConnect

        private int[] m_aiConnect
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiIndex

        private int[] m_aiIndex
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiNewConnect

        private int[] m_aiNewConnect
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiVOrdered

        private int[] m_aiVOrdered
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • m_aiVPermute

        private int[] m_aiVPermute
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      • m_akNewVertex

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f[] m_akNewVertex
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      • m_akRecord

        private ModelCollapseRecord[] m_akRecord
        the incremental changes representing the decimation.
      • m_akVertex

        private javax.vecmath.Point3f[] m_akVertex
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      • m_bCollapsing

        private boolean m_bCollapsing
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      • m_iHQuantity

        private int m_iHQuantity
        collapse support.
      • m_iTCurrent

        private int m_iTCurrent
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      • m_iTQuantity

        private int m_iTQuantity
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      • m_iVCurrent

        private int m_iVCurrent
        for reordering vertices and triangles.
      • m_iVQuantity

        private int m_iVQuantity
        triangle mesh to be decimated.
      • m_kE0

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kE0
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kE1

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kE1
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kN0

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kN0
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kN1

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kN1
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kCross

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kCross
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
      • m_kDiff

        private javax.vecmath.Vector3f m_kDiff
        temporary variables to avoid 'new' calls.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelSurfaceDecimator

        public ModelSurfaceDecimator​(int iVQuantity,
                                     int iTQuantity)
        The decimator constructed by this method is designed to be reused, if necessary, for decimating multiple meshes. If used this way, the input parameters measure the maximum quantities over all the meshes.
        iVQuantity - the maximum number of vertices for all meshes to be decimated by this object
        iTQuantity - the maximum number of triangles for all meshes to be decimated by this object
    • Method Detail

      • decimate

        public void decimate​(javax.vecmath.Point3f[] akVertex,
                             int[] aiConnect,
                             ViewJProgressBar progressBar,
                             int added,
                             int total)
        A triangle decimator for a triangle mesh. After decimation, the vertex and triangle connectivity arrays have been reordered and should be used as input in creating an ModelClodMesh object. The collapse records constructed in this function can be accessed via getRecords().
        akVertex - array of vertices in the mesh
        aiConnect - Connectivity array for the triangles. Each triple of indices represents one triangle. The triangle is counterclockwise ordered as viewed by an observer outside the mesh.
        progressBar - DOCUMENT ME!
        added - DOCUMENT ME!
        total - DOCUMENT ME!
      • getRecords

        public ModelCollapseRecord[] getRecords()
        The collapse records that have been created by the constructor for ModelSurfaceDecimator. After construction, the application uses the vertex and triangle connectivity arrays that were passed to the constructor (arrays are now reordered) and should call this function to access the collapse records. All three data structures are then used to create an ModelClodMesh object.
        the array of collapse records for the decimation
      • OnEdgeInsert

        public void OnEdgeInsert​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Edge kE,
                                 boolean bCreate,
                                 ModelSurfaceTopology.EdgeAttribute kEAttr)
        An override of the base class ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This callback is used to keep track of heap changes due to edge collapses.
        OnEdgeInsert in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kE - the edge that was attempted to be inserted into the map
        bCreate - true if the edge did not exist in the map before insertion (it is a brand new edge), false if the edge already existed.
        kEAttr - the attribute for the edge
      • OnEdgeRemove

        public void OnEdgeRemove​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Edge kE,
                                 boolean bDestroy,
                                 ModelSurfaceTopology.EdgeAttribute kEAttr)
        An override of the base class ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This callback is used to keep track of heap changes due to edge collapses.
        OnEdgeRemove in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kE - the edge that was attempted to be removed from the map
        bDestroy - true if the edge did exist in the map before the attempted removal and no other mesh components are referencing the edge, false if the edge does exist in the map, but other mesh components are referencing it.
        kEAttr - the attribute for the edge
      • OnTriangleInsert

        public void OnTriangleInsert​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Triangle kT,
                                     boolean bCreate,
                                     ModelSurfaceTopology.TriangleAttribute kTAttr)
        An override of the base class ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This callback is used to assign integer indices to triangles in the mesh.
        OnTriangleInsert in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kT - the triangle that was attempted to be inserted into the map
        bCreate - true if the triangle did not exist in the map before insertion (it is a brand new triangle), false if the triangle already existed.
        kTAttr - the attribute for the triangle
      • OnTriangleRemove

        public void OnTriangleRemove​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Triangle kT,
                                     boolean bDestroy,
                                     ModelSurfaceTopology.TriangleAttribute kTAttr)
        An override of the base class ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This callback is used to assign integer indices to triangles in the mesh.
        OnTriangleRemove in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kT - the triangle that was attempted to be removed from the map
        bDestroy - true if the triangle did exist in the map before the attempted removal and no other mesh components are referencing the triangle, false if the triangle does exist in the map, but other mesh components are referencing it.
        kTAttr - the attribute for the triangle
      • OnVertexInsert

        public void OnVertexInsert​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Vertex kV,
                                   boolean bCreate,
                                   ModelSurfaceTopology.VertexAttribute kVAttr)
        An override of the base class ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This callback is used to keep track of vertices deleted during an edge collapse.
        OnVertexInsert in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kV - the vertex that was attempted to be inserted into the map
        bCreate - true if the vertex did not exist in the map before insertion (it is a brand new vertex), false if the vertex already existed.
        kVAttr - the attribute for the vertex
      • OnVertexRemove

        public void OnVertexRemove​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Vertex kV,
                                   boolean bDestroy,
                                   ModelSurfaceTopology.VertexAttribute kVAttr)
        An override of the base class ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This callback is used to keep track of vertices deleted during an edge collapse.
        OnVertexRemove in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kV - the vertex that was attempted to be removed from the map
        bDestroy - true if the vertex did exist in the map before the attempted removal and no other mesh components are referencing the vertex, false if the vertex does exist in the map, but other mesh components are referencing it.
        kVAttr - the attribute for the vertex
      • removeTriangle

        public void removeTriangle​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Triangle kT)
        An override of the ModelSurfaceTopology member function. This function keeps track of the order of triangle removal to support reordering of the connectivity array. Once done, then the base class function is called to remove the triangle from the mesh.
        removeTriangle in class ModelSurfaceTopology
        kT - the triangle to be removed
      • add

        private void add​(float fMetric)
        New edges that occur because of modified triangles being added to the mesh must be added to the heap and the heap must be updated. This is an O(log N) process for N edges.
        fMetric - The new edge weight to be added to the heap. The other heap element information was set up by the OnEdgeInsert callback.
      • collapseCausesFolding

        private boolean collapseCausesFolding​(int iVKeep,
                                              int iVThrow)
        A look-ahead test to determine if the requested edge collapse will cause the mesh to fold over itself.
        iVKeep - the vertex to keep in the edge collapse
        iVThrow - the vertex to be thrown away in the edge collapse
        true iff the edge collapse will cause the mesh to fold over
      • collapseEdge

        private void collapseEdge​(int iVKeep,
                                  int iVThrow)
        The internal edge collapse function. This is called as long as the suggested edge does not cause folding.
        iVKeep - the vertex to keep in the edge collapse
        iVThrow - the vertex to be thrown away in the edge collapse
      • computeRecords

        private void computeRecords()
        All collapse information is known when this is called. What remains to be done is to determine which indices in the triangle connectivity must be changed when a collapse record is applied to the mesh. This is done to make the index changes fast in the application. Without the look-up tables in the collapse record, the application would have to constantly search the connectivity array and do the work in the current function every time level of detail is changed.
      • doCollapse

        private void doCollapse()
        The top-level edge collapse operation.
      • flushTriangles

        private void flushTriangles()
        When all edges have infinite weight, no further edge collapses are allowed. At this point the remaining triangles in the map are written to the reordering array and the edge collapse process is finished.
      • flushVertices

        private void flushVertices()
        When all edges have infinite weight, no further edge collapses are allowed. At this point the remaining vertices in the map are written to the reordering/permutation arrays and the edge collapse process is finished.
      • getMetric

        private float getMetric​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Edge kE,
                                ModelSurfaceTopology.EdgeAttribute kEAttr)
        Computes the weight associated with an edge. The weight is based on the length of the edge, the area of the adjacent triangles, and the angle between the triangles. The smaller any of these quantites are, the more likely the edge should be removed. That is, attempt to collapse short edges whose triangles have small area and are nearly coplanar. Only manifold edges have finite weight. Other edges are assigned infinite weight to preserve topology of the mesh (boundary edges and junction edges should not be collapsed).
        kE - the edge to be weighted
        kEAttr - the attribute associated with the edge
        the new weight of the edge
      • initializeHeap

        private void initializeHeap()
        Allocate the heap and initialize all the heap elements. This is an O(N) process for N edges.
      • modifyTriangle

        private void modifyTriangle​(ModelSurfaceTopology.Triangle kT,
                                    int iVKeep,
                                    int iVThrow)
        When an edge is collapsed, all triangles sharing the edge have been removed. All remaining triangles that contain VThrow as a vertex must have VThrow replaced by VKeep. The old triangles are removed from the mesh and the modified triangles are inserted.
        kT - the triangle to modify
        iVKeep - the vertex to keep in the edge collapse
        iVThrow - the vertex to be thrown away in the edge collapse
      • remove

        private void remove()
        The only remove operation from a heap occurs at the root of the heap. Once removed, the heap must be updated. This is an O(log N) process for N edges.
      • reorder

        private void reorder()
        After edge collapses are finished, the actual vertex locations, the triangle connectivity array, and the collapse record information must be reordered to support fast dynamic change in level of detail.
      • sort

        private void sort()
        After the heap is initialized, it must be sorted. This is an O(N log N) process for N edges.
      • update

        private void update​(int iHIndex,
                            float fMetric)
        If an edge weight changes for an edge whose heap element is interior to the heap tree, the heap must be updated. This is an O(log N) process for N edges.
        iHIndex - the index of the heap element corresponding to the modified edge (the heap is a binary tree but is stored in an array)
        fMetric - the modified edge weight
      • validate

        private boolean validate()
        DEBUGGING. After a decimation, the collapse records are applied from highest to lowest resolution to test if the vertex indices for the triangles are within range.
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