Class AlgorithmReplaceBlankSlicesWithAverages

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmReplaceBlankSlicesWithAverages
    extends AlgorithmBase
    1.0 If all the values in a slice are the same, the slice is marked as a blank slice. The number of consecutive blank slices is counted. If the consecutive blank slices are at the beginning of the image, they are all replaced by the first nonblank slice. If th consecutive blank slices are at the end of the image, the are all replaced by the last nonblank slice. Otherwise, the consecutive blank slices are replaced by different weightings of the surrounding nonblank slices. For 1 consecutive blank slice simply an average of the 2 surrounding slices. For 2 consecutive blank slices the first blank slice is 2/3 * bottomNonBlank + 1/3 * topNonBlank and the second blank slice is 1/3 * bottomNonBlank + 2/3 * topNonBlank.
    William Gandler
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmReplaceBlankSlicesWithAverages

        public AlgorithmReplaceBlankSlicesWithAverages​(ModelImage srcImage)
        Creates a new AlgorithmReplaceSlice object.
        srcImage - DOCUMENT ME!
    • Method Detail