Class AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Computes the maximum or the minimum intensity along each projection of a 3D image. The user can specify theshold values in image intensity for the calculation, as well as which projection to compute along (X,Y, or Z), the start and end slice used in the calculation, the size of a sliding 'window' in number of slices to use in the calculation, and whether to calculate the minimum, maximum or both projections. When the sliding window size is not equal to the number of slices used in the calculation the output is a 3D image, where each slice of the output image is computed using the number of slices in the sliding window. When the sliding window size is equal to the number of slices used in the calculation the output image is a 2D image.
    • Field Detail

      • resultImages

        private java.util.Vector<ModelImage> resultImages
        Array of Result Images
      • imResolutions

        float[] imResolutions
        Source Image Resolutions
      • imUnitsOfMeasure

        int[] imUnitsOfMeasure
        Source Image Units of Measure
      • startSlice

        private int startSlice
        The first slice in the intensity projection calculation:
      • stopSlice

        private int stopSlice
        The last slice in the intensity projection calculation:
      • window

        private int window
        The number of slices used in the intensity projection, represents a sliding window. When this number is not the difference between the stop and start slices, the output image is a 3D that is a collection of projections. Otherwise the output image is a single 2D projection.
      • minIntensity

        private double[] minIntensity
        Minimum intensity threshold value.
      • maxIntensity

        private double[] maxIntensity
        Maximum intensity threshold value.
      • computeMaximum

        private boolean computeMaximum
        When true, computes the maximum intensity projection.
      • computeMinimum

        private boolean computeMinimum
        When true, computes the minimum intensity projection.

        public static final int X_PROJECTION
        Project along the X-Axis.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int Y_PROJECTION
        Project along the Y-Axis.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int Z_PROJECTION
        Project along the Z-Axis.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • projectionDirection

        private int projectionDirection
        Default Projection is along the z-Axis.
      • colorFactor

        private int colorFactor
        When the image is a color image, the colorFactor is set to 4, otherwise it defaults to 1.
      • quiet

        private boolean quiet
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection

        public AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection​(ModelImage srcImg,
                                                   int _startSlice,
                                                   int _stopSlice,
                                                   int _window,
                                                   double _minIntensity,
                                                   double _maxIntensity,
                                                   boolean _computeMaximum,
                                                   boolean _computeMinimum,
                                                   int _projectionDirection)
        Estimates the maximum intensity projection in each direction of a 3D black and white image
        srcImg - source image
        _startSlice - the first slice used in the projection calculation.
        _stopSlice - the last slice used in the projection calculation.
        _window - the number of slices to use in the projection.
        _minIntensity - minimum intensity threshold.
        _maxIntensity - maximum intensity threshold.
        _computeMaximum - when true compute the maximum intensity projection.
        _computeMinimum - when true compute the minimum intensity projection.
        _projectionDirection - image axis to project along (X, Y, or Z).
      • AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection

        public AlgorithmMaximumIntensityProjection​(ModelImage srcImg,
                                                   int _startSlice,
                                                   int _stopSlice,
                                                   int _window,
                                                   double _minR,
                                                   double _maxR,
                                                   double _minG,
                                                   double _maxG,
                                                   double _minB,
                                                   double _maxB,
                                                   boolean _computeMaximum,
                                                   boolean _computeMinimum,
                                                   int _projectionDirection)
        Estimates the maximum intensity projection of a 3D color image
        srcImg - source image
        _startSlice - the first slice used in the projection calculation.
        _stopSlice - the last slice used in the projection calculation.
        _window - the number of slices to use in the projection.
        _minR - minimum Red intensity threshold.
        _maxR - maximum Red intensity threshold.
        _minG - minimum Green intensity threshold.
        _maxG - maximum Green intensity threshold.
        _minB - minimum Blue intensity threshold.
        _maxB - maximum Blue intensity threshold.
        _computeMaximum - when true compute the maximum intensity projection.
        _computeMinimum - when true compute the minimum intensity projection.
        _projectionDirection - image axis to project along (X, Y, or Z).
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • setQuiet

        public void setQuiet​(boolean quiet)
        quiet -
      • runAlgorithm

        public void runAlgorithm()
        Runs the Intensity Projection algorithm.
        Specified by:
        runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase
      • calcZProjection

        private void calcZProjection()
        Calculates the Z Projection for color or black and white images.
      • calcYProjection

        private void calcYProjection()
        Calculates the Y Projection for color or black and white images.
      • calcXProjection

        private void calcXProjection()
        Calculates the X Projection for color or black and white images.
      • getStartSlice

        public int getStartSlice()
        the startSlice
      • getStopSlice

        public int getStopSlice()
        the stopSlice
      • getMinIntensity

        public double[] getMinIntensity()
        the minIntensity
      • getMaxIntensity

        public double[] getMaxIntensity()
        the maxIntensity
      • isComputeMaximum

        public boolean isComputeMaximum()
        the computeMaximum
      • isComputeMinimum

        public boolean isComputeMinimum()
        the computeMinimum
      • getProjectionDirection

        public int getProjectionDirection()
        the projectionDirection
      • getResultImage

        public java.util.Vector<ModelImage> getResultImage()
        This method returns the projection images in a Vector.
      • getWindow

        public int getWindow()
        the window
      • setStartSlice

        public void setStartSlice​(int startSlice)
        startSlice - the startSlice to set
      • setStopSlice

        public void setStopSlice​(int stopSlice)
        stopSlice - the stopSlice to set
      • setMinIntensity

        public void setMinIntensity​(double[] minIntensity)
        minIntensity - the minIntensity to set
      • setMaxIntensity

        public void setMaxIntensity​(double[] maxIntensity)
        maxIntensity - the maxIntensity to set
      • setComputeMaximum

        public void setComputeMaximum​(boolean computeMaximum)
        computeMaximum - the computeMaximum to set
      • setComputeMinimum

        public void setComputeMinimum​(boolean computeMinimum)
        computeMinimum - the computeMinimum to set
      • setProjectionDirection

        public void setProjectionDirection​(int projectionDirection)
        projectionDirection - the projectionDirection to set
      • setSrcImage

        public void setSrcImage​(ModelImage srcImage)
        Description copied from class: AlgorithmBase
        Sets the source image of the algorithm
        setSrcImage in class AlgorithmBase
        srcImage - the source image
      • setWindow

        public void setWindow​(int window)
        window - the window to set