Class BSplineRegistrationBasef

    • Field Detail

      • m_iNumSamplesTrg

        protected int m_iNumSamplesTrg
        Total number of samples in target, registered source, and error images.
      • m_kRegMeasure

        protected RegistrationMeasure m_kRegMeasure
        Defines the cost measure for comparing the target image with the registered image.
      • nthreads

        protected int nthreads
        The number of threads.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BSplineRegistrationBasef

        protected BSplineRegistrationBasef​(ModelSimpleImage kImageSrc,
                                           ModelSimpleImage kImageTrg,
                                           RegistrationMeasure kRegMeasure)
        Create instance to be used for registration. Creates the memory for the registered source image and the error image given the total number of samples in the image.
        kImageSrc - ModelSimpleImage Input source image which contains properties and data values. Must have either 2 or 3 dimensions where the number of dimensions matches that of the target image.
        kImageTrg - ModelSimpleImage Input target image which contains properties and data values. Must have either 2 or 3 dimensions where the number of dimensions matches that of the source image.
        kRegMeasure - RegistrationMeasure Defines the cost measure for comparing the target image with the registered source image.
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
                      throws java.lang.Throwable
        Cleanup memory.
        finalize in class java.lang.Object
        java.lang.Throwable - DOCUMENT ME!
      • getError

        public double getError()
        Return the current error measure computeas the root mean squared error.
        double Current cummulative error measure between target and registered source.
      • getImageSource

        public ModelSimpleImage getImageSource()
        Return access to input source image data values which is the same as was passed to the constructor.
        ModelSimpleImage Image which contains properties and data values.
      • getImageTarget

        public ModelSimpleImage getImageTarget()
        Return access to input target image data values which is the same as was passed to the constructor.
        ModelSimpleImage Image which contains properties and data values.
      • createIdentityMapControlPoints

        protected float[] createIdentityMapControlPoints​(WildMagic.LibFoundation.Curves.BSplineBasisDiscretef kBasis)
        Create optimal placement of control points for each dimension which yields the identity mapping of the source image, i.e., identity in that the output value to the Bspline function is the same as the input value.
        kBasis - BSplineBasisDiscretef Input BSpline-basis for a single dimension.
        float[] Array of control point positions for this single dimension input B-spline basis These positions are in the [0,1] range and are monotonically increasing. The size of this array is determined by the number of control points specified for the input BSpline basis.