Class LseMinHeap

  • public class LseMinHeap
    extends java.lang.Object

    A class that encapsules a min-heap data structure. The minimum value of a set of numbers is guaranteed always to be at the root of the heap.

    0.1 November 7, 2006
    David Eberly
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      class  LseMinHeap.Record
      Each heap record stores a numeric value, the index of the record within the records array, and a generator which acts as an identifier for the application to use to store information about how the numeric value was generated in the application.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      (package private) LseMinHeap.Record[] m_akRecords
      The record storage for the heap, allocated in one large chunk.
      (package private) int m_iQuantity
      The number of active records in the heap.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      LseMinHeap​(int iMaxQuantity)
      Create a new min-heap data structure.
    • Field Detail

      • m_iQuantity

        int m_iQuantity
        The number of active records in the heap.
      • m_akRecords

        LseMinHeap.Record[] m_akRecords
        The record storage for the heap, allocated in one large chunk.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LseMinHeap

        public LseMinHeap​(int iMaxQuantity)
        Create a new min-heap data structure.
        iMaxQuantity - The maximum number of heap records. This number depends on the application's needs.
    • Method Detail

      • getQuantity

        public final int getQuantity()
        Get the current number of active heap records.
        The current number of active heap records.
      • getRecord

        public final LseMinHeap.Record getRecord​(int i)
        Get a record from the heap records.
        i - The index of the desired record.
        The desired record.
      • insert

        public final LseMinHeap.Record insert​(int iGenerator,
                                              float fValue)
        Insert a numeric value into the min-heap data structure.
        iGenerator - The application-specific identifier that is associated with the numeric value managed by the heap record.
        fValue - The numeric value managed by the heap record.
        The heap record that manages the numeric value.
      • remove

        public final LseMinHeap.Record remove()
        Remove the root of the heap. The root contains the minimum value of all heap elements.
        The record that corresponded to the root of the heap.
      • update

        public final void update​(LseMinHeap.Record kRecord,
                                 float fValue)
        The value of a heap record must be modified through this function call. The side effect is that the heap must be updated accordingly to accommodate the new value.
        kRecord - The record to be updated.
        fValue - The record's new numeric value.