Class AlgorithmRegionGrow

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmRegionGrow
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Fills a region based on average intensity +or- standard deviation. A VOI is used to calc an intensity within the region. The region grows if the intensity is bounded by average +/- the standard deviation. The a new VOI should be generated but for now the image is filled with with a flood value.

    If variableThresholds is true, upperDelta = initialValue of upperBound - value of seed point lowerDelta = Value of seed point - initialValue of lowerBound Each time a new pixel is added to the region recalculate the mean and standard deviation of the region mean = (sum of the pixel values)/(pixel number) standard deviation = ((Sum of the squared values - (sum of values)*(sum of values)/(pixel number))/(pixel number) Then recalculate upperBound and lowBound as: upperBound = initialValue + (1.0 - Math.min(0.8, stdDev/mean)) * upperDelta lowBound = initialValue - (1.0 - Math.min(0.8, stdDev/mean)) * lowerDelta upperBound cannot become higher than its initial value, but it can become lower than its initial value. lowBound cannot become lower than its initial value, but it can become higher than its initial value. That is, upperBound - lowBound cannot exceed its initial value, but it can become lower than its initial value. Adaptive thresholding is useful in preventing bleeding across smooth image gradients. Reference: Automatic Image-To-Map-Registration of Remote Sensing Data by Heiner Hild, Photogrammetric Week '01', D. Fritsch & R. Spiller, Eds., Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001.

    0.5 Jan, 2000
    Matthew J. McAuliffe, Ph.D.
    • Field Detail

      • blueBuffer

        private float[] blueBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • c

        private double c
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • greenBuffer

        private float[] greenBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mMean

        private double mMean
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mRMean

        private double mRMean
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mGMean

        private double mGMean
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • mBMean

        private double mBMean
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • paintMask

        private java.util.BitSet paintMask
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • redBuffer

        private float[] redBuffer
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • srcImage

        private ModelImage srcImage
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • varInverse

        private double[][] varInverse
        DOCUMENT ME!
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmRegionGrow

        public AlgorithmRegionGrow​(ModelImage srcImg,
                                   float _multiplier,
                                   float _floodValue)
        Creates a new AlgorithmRegionGrow object.
        srcImg - source image model
        _multiplier - aaaaa
        _floodValue - aaaaa
      • AlgorithmRegionGrow

        public AlgorithmRegionGrow​(ModelImage destImg,
                                   ModelImage srcImg,
                                   float _multiplier,
                                   float _floodValue)
        Creates a new AlgorithmRegionGrow object.
        destImg - image model where result image is to stored
        srcImg - source image model
        _multiplier - placeholder
        _floodValue - placeholder
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        public void finalize()
        Prepares this class for destruction.
        finalize in class AlgorithmBase
      • regionGrow2D

        public int regionGrow2D​(java.util.BitSet paintMask,
                                java.awt.Point seedPt,
                                float th,
                                boolean useVOI,
                                boolean dp,
                                RegionGrowDialog growDialog,
                                float lowBound,
                                float upperBound,
                                int sizeLimit,
                                float maxDistance,
                                boolean variableThresholds)
        2D flood fill that forms a bitset(boolean) mask.
        paintMask - mask used to indicated where region has grown
        seedPt - seed point for flood fill
        th -
        useVOI - use selected VOI for initial variance
        dp -
        growDialog - the RegionGrowDialog
        lowBound - lower bound of values which are included in the region
        upperBound - upper bound of values which are included in the region
        sizeLimit - stop region grow when objects exceeds size limit in pixels
        maxDistance - max distance from the seed point (in pixels) that the region is allowed to grow.
        variableThresholds - If true vary thresholds as region grows
        returns the area region
      • regionGrow2D

        public int regionGrow2D​(java.util.BitSet paintMask,
                                java.awt.Point seedPt,
                                float th,
                                boolean useVOI,
                                boolean dp,
                                RegionGrowDialog growDialog,
                                float lowBoundR,
                                float upperBoundR,
                                float lowBoundG,
                                float upperBoundG,
                                float lowBoundB,
                                float upperBoundB,
                                int sizeLimit,
                                float maxDistance)
        2D flood fill for color images that forms a bitset(boolean) mask.
        paintMask - mask used to indicated where region has grown
        seedPt - seed point for flood fill
        th -
        useVOI - use selected VOI for initial variance
        dp -
        growDialog - the RegionGrowDialog
        lowBoundR - lower bound of red values which are included in the region
        upperBoundR - upper bound of red values which are included in the region
        lowBoundG - lower bound of green values which are included in the region
        upperBoundG - upper bound of green values which are included in the region
        lowBoundB - lower bound of blue values which are included in the region
        upperBoundB - upper bound of blue values which are included in the region
        sizeLimit - stop region grow when objects exceeds size limit in pixels
        maxDistance - max distance from the seed point (in pixels) that the region is allowed to grow.
        returns the area region
      • regionGrow3D

        public int regionGrow3D​(java.util.BitSet paintMask,
                                Point3D seedPt,
                                float th,
                                boolean useVOI,
                                boolean dp,
                                RegionGrowDialog growDialog,
                                float lowBound,
                                float upperBound,
                                int sizeLimit,
                                float maxDistance,
                                boolean variableThresholds,
                                int timeSlice,
                                CubeBounds regionBounds)
        3D flood fill that forms a bitset(boolean) mask.
        paintMask - mask used to indicated where region has grown
        seedPt - seed point for flood fill
        th -
        useVOI - use selected VOI for initial variance
        dp -
        growDialog - the RegionGrowDialog
        lowBound - lower bound of values which are included in the region
        upperBound - upper bound of values which are included in the region
        sizeLimit - stop region grow when objects exceeds size limit in pixels
        maxDistance - max distance from the seed point (in pixels) that the region is allowed to grow.
        variableThresholds - If true vary thresholds as region grows
        timeSlice - timeSlice that will be used in a 4D image
        regionBounds - DOCUMENT ME!
        returns the volume region
      • regionGrow3D

        public int regionGrow3D​(java.util.BitSet paintMask,
                                Point3D seedPt,
                                float th,
                                boolean useVOI,
                                boolean dp,
                                RegionGrowDialog growDialog,
                                float lowBoundR,
                                float upperBoundR,
                                float lowBoundG,
                                float upperBoundG,
                                float lowBoundB,
                                float upperBoundB,
                                int sizeLimit,
                                float maxDistance,
                                int timeSlice,
                                CubeBounds regionBounds)
        3D flood fill for color images that forms a bitset(boolean) mask.
        paintMask - mask used to indicated where region has grown
        seedPt - seed point for flood fill
        th -
        useVOI - use selected VOI for initial variance
        dp -
        growDialog - the RegionGrowDialog
        lowBoundR - lower bound of red values which are included in the region
        upperBoundR - upper bound of red values which are included in the region
        lowBoundG - lower bound of green values which are included in the region
        upperBoundG - upper bound of green values which are included in the region
        lowBoundB - lower bound of blue values which are included in the region
        upperBoundB - upper bound of blue values which are included in the region
        sizeLimit - stop region grow when objects exceeds size limit in pixels
        maxDistance - max distance from the seed point (in pixels) that the region is allowed to grow.
        timeSlice - timeSlice that will be used in a 4D image
        regionBounds - DOCUMENT ME!
        returns the volume region
      • setNewThreshold

        public void setNewThreshold​(float threshold,
                                    PaintGrowListener compImage,
                                    boolean dp)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        threshold - DOCUMENT ME!
        compImage - DOCUMENT ME!
        dp -