Class AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection
    extends AlgorithmBase
    • Field Detail

      • iters

        private int iters
        Number of iterations.
      • norm

        private float norm
        Normalization constant used to normalize the point force.
      • scaleX

        private float scaleX
        x and y standard deviations of Gaussians used to convolve normalized forces.
      • scaleY

        private float scaleY
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • thresholdLevel

        private float thresholdLevel
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • thresholdSelected

        private boolean thresholdSelected
        If true, don't use periphery pixels below threshold or pixels below threshold connected to periphery pixels below threshold thru a 4 neighbor chain of below threshold pixels.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection

        public AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection​(ModelImage srcImage,
                                             float norm,
                                             float scaleX,
                                             float scaleY,
                                             int iters,
                                             boolean thresholdSelected,
                                             float thresholdLevel)
        Creates a new AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection object.
        srcImage - original image
        norm - DOCUMENT ME!
        scaleX - DOCUMENT ME!
        scaleY - DOCUMENT ME!
        iters - DOCUMENT ME!
        thresholdSelected - DOCUMENT ME!
        thresholdLevel - DOCUMENT ME!
      • AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection

        public AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection​(ModelImage resultImage,
                                             ModelImage srcImage,
                                             float norm,
                                             float scaleX,
                                             float scaleY,
                                             int iters,
                                             boolean thresholdSelected,
                                             float thresholdLevel)
        Creates a new AlgorithmMRIShadingCorrection object.
        resultImage - shading corrected image
        srcImage - original image
        norm - DOCUMENT ME!
        scaleX - DOCUMENT ME!
        scaleY - DOCUMENT ME!
        iters - DOCUMENT ME!
        thresholdSelected - DOCUMENT ME!
        thresholdLevel - DOCUMENT ME!