Class AlgorithmELSUNCOpt2D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.awt.event.WindowListener, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.EventListener

    public class AlgorithmELSUNCOpt2D
    extends AlgorithmBase
    Runs ELSUNC, LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT, or NL2SOL for a 2D image.

    Based on ELSUNC allowed by the author with acknowledgement:

    Gauss-Newton Based Algorithms For Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems by Per Lindstrom and Per-Ake Wedin, Institute of Information Processing, University of Umea, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden This can be downleaded from

    0.1 March 22, 2012
    William Gandler
    • Field Detail

      • searchAlgorithm

        private int searchAlgorithm
      • rigid

        private boolean rigid
        Flag indicating this is a rigid transformation.
      • nDims

        private int nDims
        Degress of freedom.
      • OARTolerance

        private double[] OARTolerance
        Array of tolerances for each dimension.
      • maxIterations

        private int maxIterations
        The maximum number of iterations the optimization allows.
      • parent

        private AlgorithmBase parent
        Parent algorithm that called this optimization.
      • toOrigin

        private TransMatrixd toOrigin
        The transformation matrix to the origin of the input image.
      • fromOrigin

        private TransMatrixd fromOrigin
        The transformation matrix from the origin of the input image.
      • points

        private Vectornd[] points
        Array used to hold the initial points, final points and costs
      • functionAtBest

        private double functionAtBest
        The cost of the function at the best minimum.
      • minFunctionAtBest

        private double minFunctionAtBest
      • status

        private int status
      • start

        private double[] start
        Point that was initially passed into function.
      • pathRecorded

        private boolean pathRecorded
        The flag to indicate whether the searching path need to be recorded.
      • paths

        protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Long,​java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector3f>>> paths
        Store the paths for every thread.
      • epsilon

        private double epsilon
      • huge

        private double huge
    • Constructor Detail

      • AlgorithmELSUNCOpt2D

        public AlgorithmELSUNCOpt2D​(AlgorithmBase parent,
                                    WildMagic.LibFoundation.Mathematics.Vector2f com,
                                    int degreeOfFreedom,
                                    AlgorithmOptimizeFunctionBase costFunc,
                                    double[] tols,
                                    int maxIter,
                                    boolean _rigid,
                                    int searchAlgorithm)
        Constructs a new algorithm with the given centers of mass (needed for setting the transformations), the given cost function (which was constructed with the proper images), the initial point we're looking at, some tolerance within that point to look for the minimum, and the maximum number of iterations.
        parent - Algorithm that called this optimization.
        com - Center of Mass of the input image.
        degreeOfFreedom - Degree of freedom for transformation (must be 2, 3, 4, 5, 7).
        costFunc - Cost function to use.
        tols - Tolerance for each dimension (tols.length == degreeOfFreedom).
        maxIter - Maximum number of iterations.
        _rigid - true means this was a rigid transformation
        searchAlgorithm - ELSUNC, LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT, or NL2SOL;
    • Method Detail

      • disposeLocal

        public void disposeLocal()
        Sets everything to null and prepares this class for destruction.
      • getPoints

        public Vectornd[] getPoints()
        Return an array of transformation vector. The meanings of those transformation vector are as following: the initial transformation vector: before algorithm is performed the final transformation vector: after algorithm was performed.
      • setPoints

        public void setPoints​(Vectornd[] points)
        Sets the transformation vectors.
        points - the transformation vectors.
      • runAlgorithm

        public void runAlgorithm()
        Description copied from class: AlgorithmBase
        Actually runs the algorithm. Implemented by inheriting algorithms.
        Specified by:
        runAlgorithm in class AlgorithmBase
      • runELSUNC

        private void runELSUNC()
        Runs ELSUNC along one dimension at a time as long as the costFunction improves during one cycle of runs along every dimension.
      • runNL2sol

        private void runNL2sol()
      • dfault

        private void dfault​(int[] iv,
                            double[] v)
      • runLM

        private void runLM()
        Runs Levneberg-Marqaurdt along one dimension at a time as long as the costFunction improves during one cycle of runs along every dimension.
      • isPathRecorded

        public boolean isPathRecorded()
      • setPathRecorded

        public void setPathRecorded​(boolean pathRecorded)
      • getFinal

        public double[] getFinal​(double[] point)
        Accessor that returns the final point with translations, rotations, scales, and skews representing the best tranformation.
        vector representing the best transformation in terms of translations, rotations, scales, and skews.
      • constructPoint

        public double[] constructPoint​(double[] defaultPoint,
                                       double[] point)
        Construct a full 7-dimension transformation vector from the partial transformation vector. For missing values in point, the values in defaultPoint will be used. Different degree of freedom has different meanings: 2: only 2 translations 3: rigid: 1 rotation and 2 translations non-rigid: global scaling and 2 translations 4: 1 rotation, 2 translations and global scaling 5: 1 rotation, 2 translations and scalings 7: 1 rotation, 2 translations, scalings and skews
        defaultPoint - a default full 7-dimension transformation vector.
        point - a partial or full transformation vector.
        a full transformation vector.
      • convertToMatrix

        public TransMatrixd convertToMatrix​(TransMatrixd toOrigin,
                                            TransMatrixd fromOrigin,
                                            double[] vector)
        Convert a 7-dimension transformation vector to a 3x3 transformation matrix.
        vector - a 7-dimension transformation vector including 1 rotation, 2 translations, 2 scalings and 2 skews.
        a 3x3 transformation matrix
      • extractPoint

        public double[] extractPoint​(double[] startPoint)
        Extract the partial or full transformation vector from the start transformation vector, which will be optimized.
        startPoint - the start full 7-dimension transformation vector.
        the partial or full transformation vector which will be optimized.
      • getCost

        public final double getCost​(int index)
        Returns the cost for the transformation vector.
        index - the index of transformation vector.
        the cost for the transformation vector.
      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(int max)
        Accessor that sets the maximum number of iterations.
        max - The max number of iterations.
      • adjustTranslation

        public void adjustTranslation​(TransMatrixd mat,
                                      float sample)
        See Also:
        AlgorithmELSUNCOptBase#adjustTranslation(TransMatrix, float)
      • getMatrix

        public TransMatrixd getMatrix​(int index,
                                      float sample)
        See Also:
        AlgorithmELSUNCOptBase#getMatrix(int, float)
      • getMatrix

        public final TransMatrixd getMatrix​(int index)
        Obtain the transformation vector and convert to the matrix representation.
        index - the index of transformation vector.
        the transformation matrix
      • getPoint

        public double[] getPoint​(int index)
        Return the full transformation vector.
        index - the index of the transformation vector.
        the full transformation vector.
      • convertToMatrix

        public TransMatrixd convertToMatrix​(double[] vector)
        Convert a transformation vector to a transformation matrix.
        vector - a transformation vector.
        a transformation matrix
      • updatePoint

        public void updatePoint​(double[] point,
                                double cost,
                                Vectornd v)
      • createTerrain

        public float[] createTerrain​(float transXFrom,
                                     float transXTo,
                                     float transXStep,
                                     float transYFrom,
                                     float transYTo,
                                     float transYStep,
                                     float rotFrom,
                                     float rotTo,
                                     float rotStep)
      • createTerrain

        private void createTerrain​(float[] terrain,
                                   float transXFrom,
                                   float transXTo,
                                   float transXStep,
                                   int xstart,
                                   int xdim,
                                   float transYFrom,
                                   float transYTo,
                                   float transYStep,
                                   int ystart,
                                   int ydim,
                                   float rotFrom,
                                   float rotTo,
                                   float rotStep,
                                   int zstart,
                                   int zdim)
      • measureCost

        public final double measureCost​(double[] point)
        Measure the cost value for the given transformation vector.
        point - a transformation vector.
        the cost value.
      • measureCost

        public final double measureCost​(TransMatrixd m)
        Measure the cost value for the given transformation matrix.
        m - a transformation matrix.
        the cost value.